Good evening, /mmd/! I got a bit bored. So I brought Yoyogi Mori's models over to PMX. (Except JUMPY and Undone Kittens. I have neither.) I don't need or really even want credit, it was mostly just for entertainment. These ports are incredibly basic, and anyone here is free to expand on them how they like. (The files with the latest version numbers are my edits! I've left all edited files in, but Shiratori specifically I recommend you use the latest file, due to a strange body setup with abnormally large physical bodies. I've repaired it the best I can, but left the original port intact. All have been run through SemiStandardBones, but their versions without it are included too. If anyone could point me in the direction of their Undone Kittens model, I'd greatly appreciate it, since I remember seeing her shared here before but can't recall where. I'll gladly port her as well.