Hello, I need help to solve the last part of the password of this model
https://bowlroll.net/file/147425Hint: 「我が▲▲。我が■■。我が××よ」
I think I have discovered the first two tracks, they are part of a character speech
「我が偉業! 我が理想! 我が誕生の真意を知れ!この星は転生する!あらゆる生命は過去になる! 讃えるがいい! 我が名はゲーティア! 人理焼却式・魔神王ゲーティアである!」(My feats! My ideals! Know the true purpose of my Birth! This planet shall be reborn! All life shall become the past! Sing your praises! My name is Goetia! Human Order Incineration Ritual : King of Demon Gods, Goetia!)