>>2484221Enough will be embarrassed about it. I think that the story will follow a group of girls who try to resist the new rules, compromise with the administration, or get around the new rules via underhanded means like distributing band aids/pasties that aren’t apparent in the early inspections. I mean, allot of young people don't really care about nebulous health risks especially when old people get hysterical about it. Some of course will embrace the new policies, a few won't care, and others will see them as a way to bully others. Each there will be a character to represent each.
Over time the school will move further and further outside of what we consider appropriate as the faculty go on a power trip set off by pressure from the government who make the issue central to an election or something. First world nations generally suffer from decreasing or negative population growth and segments of the population tends to be very resistant of solving the issue via immigration due to fears of being replaced as the majority ethnicity/culture. So I can see such a medical discovery become some big political issue that bypasses peoples normal considerations of what is considered appropriate. You have the “think of the health of our children/panties are tools of the patriarchy” on the left and “think of the nation/prevent “majority ethnicity” genocide” on the right.