>>1614873"NoooOOO!! I can't enter the pageant naked, are you nuts!?"
"You want to make an impression, don't you!? No guy in the school will be able to resist you, and I bet some of the girls will vote for you too!"
Miya's frantic wails fell on deaf ears as Yurina happily pulled off each and every garment the girl had on. Why hadn't the taller girl stopped her or put up more of a fight?
Well, because if she hadn't agreed, she had threatened to tell the whole school they were dating. It wasn't that it was a lie, that would've been too easy. No, it was a scary threat because it was true!
Yurina didn't just have the witnesses to prove it, she had the pictures too. So Miya was resigned to her fate, and Yurina put the clothes away in a sealed locker shortly before shooing her significant other out onto stage, ready to enjoy the privilege of dating a pageant winner.
Suspension? Pfft. They said anything was allowed. After last year's incident with the vacuum, her scheme was downright saintly in comparison.