Romaji Title: Rit-chan ni Furimawasarete miyou! + Copyshi Daioujou 4
Japanese Title: 律ちゃんに振り回されてみよう!+コピー誌大往生4。
Circle: Hitori Tower Bridge
Artist: Hakkyou Daioujou
Translator: CGrascal
Series: Various (K-ON, Isshoni Training, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dream C Club, Valkyrie Chronicles, Monster Hunter)
This doujin is not really about Valkyria, but has a cameo "copybook" section in it. The main part of the doujin is K-ON followed by an appendix that apparantly contains four copybon sections of which the one on Neon Genesis Evangelion is the largest. Download the translated doujin via hxxp;//wwwD0T 4shared D0Tcom / file/DpVzgzem/Hitori_Tower_Bridge_Ricchan_ni D0T html. More info is available at: