>>2292690>>2292576To add another risk/reward suggestion. You could add something like hot springs in your dungeons. They would heal the player, but have a chance encounter to get their clothes stolen, maybe by the super-fast enemies mentioned before? If you fail to defeat them in time, your clothes are gone and there is the stealth sequence back into town.
You could also add mimics that strip the player if opened (pic related). That way the player is suspicious of any conspicuously placed chest they encounter.
I think a big incentive for the player to play “right” would be the loss of their equipment. HQ will always have spare clothes (or maybe they don´t if you lose your clothes too many times, Game over. Actually, there´s an idea. The more you lose your clothes, the skimpier and weaker the replacement outfit.), but they are nothing compared to the more expensive and powerful armor the player had before the encounter.
A clever player might get around this mechanic save scumming, but really, that´s a omnipresent danger to any game with a risk-reward mechanic.