Quick update of a shader previously posted here. Added the ability to flip the normal vector for two-sided materials. The target use case was reflections, but it affects other things as well. Not implemented: partial transparency for two-sided materials, since by definition they're very thin. This would only help in half the cases, anyway, since in MME we only know if a material is two-sided if the normal points away from us. So if we're opposite from the light, we could make the inside of a skirt a little brighter when it's in light, but not the outside.
Attached screenshot series: first two frames use new, two-sided flag for Rin's skirt, third frame does not. Clothes color changed using AdSha, 'CCh/AdultSha_FC_v3_Yellow_tint_TexDif_metal_2S.fx' on skirt, same but without _2S on most other clothes, and 'CCh/AdultSha_FC_v3_Yellow_tint_tex_metalSpec.fx' on C-string which does not have a texture.
The other update in this version is better toon calculation for dark toon colors. They are no longer turned to gray by bad math. Compare the model on the left (Eastern Princess Miku / Model 169 by Neka-San, a Russian female), first with old math and grayer skin, then with new math and more color in her skin. For models with typical toon colors, there is almost no change.
I'm not working on this shader a lot because I'm trying to animate a motion.
Archive contents:
Shader (10 MB)
Shader screenshots (18 MB)
Spotlight stage with edited textures (8 MB) Note: turn down ground shadow color and use black background (B hotkey), so that ground shadow color drawn before the pmx stage matches it better.
Accessory panels for when all you want to do is display a texture without fancy geometry. (16 MB) Note: can be used as a floor with ground shadow, even if the rest of a stage is a pmx model
Names of models used so they are easy to find, with preview screenshots (7 MB)