Title: Squad 7 Slut Detachment
Japanese title: 第七痴女分隊
Circle: Suginami Sakura
Author: Ogata Mamimi
Parody of: Valkyria Chronicles
Translator: Brolen & Randy Rabbit
Language: English
Rabbit Realms (RR):
http://rabbitrevelry.com/ Released at: C76 (Comiket 76)
Standardized filename: [Suginami Sakura] Squad 7 Slut Detachment (Valkyria Chronicles)[Brolen, Randy Rabbit].zip
Here's another translated doujin that was the joint project of Brolen and Randy Rabbit. Download the translated doujin via: deposit files (D0T)com /en/files/7zaomh67a
Here is the PSP version courtesy of the rabbits at Rabbit Revelry: www(D0T)mega upload(DoT)com /?d=MY4EFP0T
>>1336630 Thank you very much for both the translation and editing.