>>28161691. Bones with the deformation order of 0 are processed from top to bottom of the list, then the process is repeated for each increment of the DO, and afterward everything is repeated for After Physics bones.
2. To perform correctly, bones must not be parented to bones that are processed later (higher DO number or lower in the list).
3. Said Ina model has feet weighed to bones that are parented to bones which are included in IK chains below the feet bones in the list. As a result, the leg bones are processed, the feet bones are processed, and then leg bones are processed again by IK chains, detaching them from feet bones but not triggering an error in the inspector. Thus we arrive at the solution I described back then. All you need is to find the foot bones and whatever is parented to them and ensure they are processed after leg IKs.
4. The solution can be tested in TransformView (F9) of the PmxView window.