Current best sites to find videos:
-nicovideo - search MMD, mikumikudance, R-18, 紳士の社交場.
-video.fc2 - if you're really patient, or have plenty of money, there are good finds here.
- - dodge the porn to get an /e/ MMD prize
-Vimeo - Grab them before they're gone
-Sita's site - - It's young, be gentle.
-soku - - Chinito site
List of free apps/addons (google them) that might help you with downloading vids:
Freemake Video Downloader
JDownloader 2 beta
IRC /e/roMMD chatroom with famous people in it!
Mostly idling so you might want to leave the tab open and wait for an answer.
#erommd at rizon
Model starter pack*:
https://the piratebay .ee/torrent/11039741
Trollvids video-saveinator bookmarklet: THREAD:
>>1746827Feel free to ask questions, we're collecting videos and passwords for the Gaijin MMD Uprising. Thats what they get for being racist.
*Piratebay might be down