>>2338499“Uh… hi,” Olivier said back to Erika with his stupid goatee and his stupid look of a dumb cow.
I resisted an urge to hiss at him and double checked my tail was well-hidden. Everything was in order.
“Do we know you?” said one of the girls. I didn’t know her name; she had very big boobs but also was a little chunky. It was mean for me to think this, but she was not my type. She had taken offense to Erika calling them losers.
Erika recovered quickly, but it didn’t escape me she got confused for a second. They didn’t know her. Members of our coven were basically strangers among most people. “Sorry, just trying to be friendly. What’s up? I haven’t seen you around,” Erika expertly followed up.
“Yeah, hello,” the other girl took the word, Bertha. She had blonde hair, but I knew from before that it wasn’t natural; it still didn’t take away from it how long and well-cared-for it was. She was of a rather petite build although she was not short, an inch or two at most shorter than Erika. She had a pretty, symmetrical face with very fine features. She was disgustingly grabbing Olivier’s arm. “Did you need anything?” she asserted with a non-hidden desire for us to go away.
Non-verbally, I made it very clear that I felt nothing but aversion to the man Bertha so clingingly held, if that was her concern. Instead, she glared at me ruefully. And now we were enemies. Well, shit. The chubby girl noticed but the boys were too dull to.
“Not really,” Erika answered the posed question. “Just making conversation! Did someone die or something? You have a look like something crawled up your ass,” Erika may have noticed, too.
“Okay, chill out! Let’s chill!” one of the boys said. One of the ones that wasn’t Olivier. I had seen him plenty of times but I wasn’t going to use precious neurons to learn his name. He could be ‘Silly Tan’.