"Don't sweat the necessary expenses.
You will need an adventurer card to participate in quests."
"You can't even claim the reward if you don't have one."
Long-haired elf: "Huh...?
"Excuse me, but wouldn't you be a female?"
"Even though it says male in the gender section..."
Chris: "Eh?
Well, you see, the thing is, I mean..."
"The status page is also completely glitched.
The writing is so strange!"
"I've never seen this before."
Card itself:
(Bear in mind it is glitched and barely makes any sense. Also, an absolute bitch to translate):
Chris Cross Creise
Level: ?ya?ka??5 Gender: Male
Job: Dyeing ke Dyeing?? Title: Dyeing so Gen Dyeing?
Despise sa? Wild Duck73 Tie Hair i Crawling. May Fly Book Cover65
Conceal Dialect u Tangle?54? Tie? Pheasant (Tangle Help37
Scorpion i Path i Help?42 Tie Mantis ku Pride Nine?3
(My guess is the author just googled for high-trace-count Kanji and pasted them here)
"As a special exception, I will have to ask you to register again.
Please, follow me."