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You pc worshippers make me laugh. It's just the irony of your situation; you troll on a thread dedicated to a console game, or at least a game that hit consoles first, while having the temerity to piss all over them, in honour of Intel or AMD. How long were you guys boo-hooing to Rockstar, because you were missing out on GTA V? And I'm guessing real reason that the cross-platform release of Arkham Knight was delayed for so long, was because Rocksteady didn't want you guys pissing and moaning for the next 18 months for your version of the game!
This is a fact; PCs are a dying species. Other than modding, there's nothing - NOTHING - you can do on a PC that you can't do on a smartphone, next-gen console or even a half-decent tablet. At least consoles to a certain extent, are future-proof, unlike PCs which are practically out of date as soon as you unbox the little darling!
The days of PC computing are coming to an end, my friends; enjoy it while it lasts!