>>1783418After a flash of red light her new pokemon appeared between her and a giant purple rat. Green looked at it curiously, studying it. It was a blueish green quadruped with what looked to be a large plant bulb on it’s back. “It has to be that grass one the professor said, what was it again?” she muttered to herself.
“Bulbasaur! A strange seed was planted on it’s back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokemon.”
Green whirled around after hearing this strange voice coming from behind her but there was no one there. What the hell was going…
“Rattata! Bites anything when…”
She turned around again, her breasts bouncing around. Blushing even though there was no one to see, she stopped moving and settled them down again. How was that voice behind her again, just to not be there when she turned again? It wasn’t until she took a deep breath and calmed herself that she realized that it was coming from her back pocket.
Right where she had put that “pokedex” thing Oak had given her. Well that explained a lot.
She took it out but it had already fallen silent. She sighed and resolved to figure it out later and put it back in her pocket. She glanced back up in time to see the Rattata bounding at her pokemon… No, at HER! It leapt over Bulbasaur and knocked her over. Sprawled out and with a large, hostile rodent (with large, hostile claws) perched on her stomach, Green was screaming before she knew it.