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1.31 GB, 4,928 files, and, really, I don't even think all of it is porn. (As in non-porn images and files getting mixed in, not as in, "I think this image of a naked woman is not porn in light of it's artistic merits.")
I'm practically snobbish. I save only a small percentage of the images I comes across, and every time I have a look though my porn folder, I delete stuff I decide I don't really like. This is the accumulation of years of porn slowly being saved. I always keep backups of my hard drive, and my porn is 99% images, so it's in the "My Pictures" folder, which is also where I keep photographs, like those from my brother's wedding and of my niece growing up. That folder is very redundantly protected, and so so is my porn. This means there's probably stuff buried in there from when I started collection that is complete crap that I just haven't gotten around to deleting it. I always tell myself I'll go through the folder and clean it out some day, but every time I try I never make it through the whole thing...