>>1573926>Picture 1Emile isn't the only guy with a harem. But Cole has been acting strange. We learn that Cole was under the control of Vespa, the girl in shades, to gather the mana; however, the plan is scrapped after Emile and the gang rescue the mana, and break Vespa's spell.
>Picture 2Now, the mana are all students, alongside the gang. Even the light mana, brainwashed by Vespa and Cole, was able to break free, and join the gang.
Furthermore, two new students have joined the classroom, Jena (a computer wizz who doesn't give a damn about appearance until meeting our hero) and Kellia (Who transferred from another school, hence her different uniform).
And I thought I'd introduce you to their professor, Ms. Yuela.
>Picture 3We see the ice eye under Ice mana Celest's (The human embodiment of Celsius) patch, caused when her powers (stronger than any other ice mana) overwhelmed her body, before she became a full-fledged mana.
The after effect of the girls' makeover for Jena, and the aftermath of Ms. Yuela's encounter with Vespa. Unlike our Alchemist friend from my first picture, who uses a stone enfused with waters from the fountain of youth, Ms. Yuela's internal clock was turned back. Meet Yuri Yuela, the young professor of our class. Her memory, knowledge, and everything is untouched. Her classroom, when not used for studies, testing, or... well... classwork, is now a meeting room for the group.