Short part this time and very short part next time; after that, all choices should be made and character will be created.
Next characters will be a lot easier. I'll give you a few presets out of a few and I'll fill the rest.
>>2347973>F in the woods.No. Too soon. It's bound to happen, though.
>>2347745Thanks. We do what we can. It's enjoyable for myself; else I would have quit already.
>>2347925I checked what I had frantically grabbed before jumping out.
“A pair of bloomers…” I half-lamented, half accepted. It could be worse.
The kids were coming close. I spanked my ass out of the mud and dirt as much as I could and wore the only thing I had, knowing that they were liable to get a little see-through due to the fact than a minute ago I was happily taking a bath. I tied them to the side and thought long and hard about how to get out of this.
They had me surrounded, I heard them coming. They were probably being brought back by their poor mother, what was her name? Vinl’s mother; I was drawing a blank, that was what I got for being antisocial. The smaller ones were running everywhere and I knew one was coming from the left side and one from my right. I was trapped.
“Huh?” one of the kids spotted me; I knew none of their names. “Hey!” he called.
The other ones followed and then another one and another one. How many children did this people have? I figured there were three at first but they turned out to be four.
“Hello, Daisy!” one of them greeted behind me.
“She’s not wearing a shirt. How come *we* have to wear shirts? It’s hot outside.”
“You are very pale; mom said that is not healthy.”
“Why are you wet?”
“Hello!” I hurried to greet the smaller one with the hand I wasn’t covering my chest with before he drew attention from her mother or worse, who I hoped was coming uphill and was too tired to come rail up their children.