>>2259300Even with the water and steam, because of her patch of black curly pubes that didn’t match her head for some reason, I could clearly smell Melanie’s own brand of aroma. While most of it had been washed away, there was also a hinge of her honey; and maybe I was getting a bad habit, but I liked to keep with me the scent of all the girls I had encounters with by smelling down there when they were excited.
“Y-you don’t have to ask!” Melanie fretted, moving invitingly. “I… I owe you this much and then some.”
I gave a lick to Melanie’s pussy. It still tasted mostly like chlorine and the water coming out of the shower. I had to change that. She shivered. “You don’t owe me anything,” I gave another lick. “If you don’t want me to do it, j-just say it!” although I would have hated to stop and was only paying lip service because I knew Melanie wouldn’t reject me. I gave another lick.
“No! It’s fine, please go on!” Melanie begged like I had threatened.
“D-don’t mind me! P-passing through…!”
The door to our shower was still wide open. For all my werecat superpowers I was unable to close the crappy locks, and so was Melanie. A girl saw us. It was Jane, Baseball Bat’s friend. She avoided eye contact and just went on her merry way. Melanie and I both giggled, embarrassed of being found out but at the same time kind of glad we had been.
I kept to my work. There was no way I was backing down now; not if people appeared to record us.
a) Aria meets Erika’s group at the cafeteria. Lisa is nowhere to be seen.
b) The whole coven reunites at the cafeteria.
c) Aria beats Erika at the cafeteria and finds Lisa.
d) Aria takes too long playing with Melanie and misses Erika and Lisa; who have their reunion without Aria.
e) For some weird coincidence, all girls go to have breakfast without meeting each other.