>>2903754Never roll on the basic venus gacha. The one with the same art as the launcher with all the girls on the beach posing.
You get plenty of free pulls on it during special events and the SSRs are really old now. The new SSRs easily outclass them.
Do your daily chores to get 500 v-stones a day,
Run event matches until you cant progress anymore
Save up for a nice looking weekly trendy banner.
You get roughly 20k vstones each week by completing event matches.
Unless you're very lucky expect to spend maybe 40-60k before seeing any SSR if it's a standard banner set at 1.1%. So don't be discouraged too much when you inevitably don't get what you want.
Trendy banners with only 2 girls on them are trap banners and you should be careful about rolling on them because there are other SSR in the pool usually. So you'll see the SSR unlock screen and get excited for a moment only to be disappointed when you realize you got a different SSR than what you wanted. You can check the pool on any banner by looking at the % rates just to be sure.
As a newbie player you'll want to be on the lookout for banners that are 3.3% rate without any step up nonsense. Flat 3.3%'s are the best opportunity to unlock more girls and SSRs.