This for example is Meeya, a character from some obscure anime/video game.
While she obviously has fur in some places, for the most part she is just a pink catgirl with very human facial features and an otherwise orthodox catgirl body. Needless to say this is a questionable piece and falls within the gray area, but I'd hope most would find it acceptable for this board.
It is also done by a Furry Artist, but so is this pic
>>1305069 which begs the larger question of relevance in who the artist is.
There was once a time when any person could look at a questionable gray area catgirl pic and make the judgment call whether they found it attractive or not. If you could fap/shlick to it, it wasn't furry, if it was an animal, it was furry. Now a days, this younger ill-equipped for critical thinking "tought to the test" crowd views anything the slightest bit theriomorphic (humans with non-human traits) as automatically furry and whether the pic is attractive or not admonish it as evil and vile as if to appease an unseen audience of judges.