Progress on Wonderful Pink 2 translation patch. I've got 99% of the backgrounds and graphics Englishified.
I have almost 0% of the rest of the game translated, but I'll be working on the text-based menus next. I'd LIKE to have a patch for the launcher, but I'm not sure how easy that will be. Hex editing a non-unicode Japanese exe doesn't sound like fun.
If you want to play with what I've got so far and tell me how terrible a job I did, you can grab it here:!odQiSCSD!ebB9QDvtT11oNUmAzsnhhAMVSJvk3BanI4qUShIGTVw1. Save this to your %Wonderful Pink 2%\game\bin folder.
2. Make a back-up of your mt folder inside there (right-click-drag and copy it within the same folder work.)
3. Then "extract here" the zip file. Should ask you if you want to merge the new mt folder with the old one. Yeah. Overwrite and all that.
Or just extract the zip file to wherever, and copy the contents of the mt folder it spits out into your WP2's mt folder. I ain't here to tell you how to live your life, as long as you get the files in the right place.