>>2906193>>2906218For a cruder but quicker solution, you can join their positions by holding Alt while dragging the center of the handle in PMXE (other scaling to zero means also exist), seeing as the divisions roughly match. Ctrl+J if UV mapping doesn't matter. You can also create new faces using Advanced Edit (F5).
>>29062101. Go to frame 1/30 (with MikuMikuMoving, always use 30 FPS when exporting a .VMD file).
2. Create a new camera key to make the motion saveable.
3. Load your .vpd to a model that supports all the bones and (with MikuMikuMoving) morphs listed in it.
4. Register unregistered keys.
5. Select the column (of keys on frame 1).
6. Ctrl+C, Del, go back to frame 0, Ctrl+V.
7. Export as a .VMD file (in MikuMikuMoving: all keyframes, no layer integration).
https://www.google.com/search?q=VMD+to+unity9. ???
10. PROFIT!!11
>>2906212It's always that one guy who keeps walking the fine line between bannable and dubious, a remnant of the old permanently horny Nico. He has several accounts with names ending in "taki".
https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/133134865>>2906248You could really use more confidence. And thank you very much.
Dimensions must also be replaced for VPBUF_SIZE2 users, because other VPBUF dimensions will remain broken otherwise. Pic related.
Also, would you be able to tell how to prevent geometry that is hidden by default and is NOT using this shader from being accounted for? (Only with SelfShadow, so it could be related to ZValue. Though self shadow doesn't seem to be coded for MMM to begin with. Flat colors, no shading. I'll work on that myself later.)
Clipping alpha below 0.01, which I used in other such cases, doesn't work, and ikFur code shouldn't even affect materials that don't have it assigned in the first place. (Though I could just use ikPostFur instead.)