.......Am amazed by the majority of some people here who dislikes me, but at the same time though. Its funny how easily most of you had gotten such a damn hate boner for me, somewhat annoying but all well. Haters gotta hate something I guess, so thanks for the hate?
By the way, most people wanted the models in which that won so. Is that why your so mad, cause you didn't got a model that you liked. Or are you mad cause am using a name...I heard that most people hate that, am just taking a wild guess honestly into what your thoughts might be. Do you wanna write down your feelings and state what makes you mad and what doesn't?
Can anyone explain what this means, not meaning to seem annoying but I've been looking at this forever and such and its been running through my head. The picture of course that I loaded and such.
https://mega.nz/#!RnBjEAjZ!IiYyyLjF1AEpx85PkvMZv8c81gfjNj6J0G3CuPbQ6lohttps://www.patreon.com/ucupumarAnd then
https://mega.nz/#!1jJ1gCIK!VL5VwQwCP7_YrDeDeRS7QwB1Pj4u15MubKINNlLTAC0https://www.patreon.com/ucupumarIts not MMD, but most stuff that I've notice that isn't MMD has been still loaded. If you wanna transfer this to MMD then cool, do it please and thank you. But with that all said and done
I smell food?
Enjoy the models