>>2293289Go outside more. You're a dumbass who believes whatever /r9k/ tells you. There are plenty of women into all different kinds of men. How many women do you even actually know? Your dumbass sees one infographic and suddenly you think you know everything and everyone. You dont know someone's backstage until you talk to them. Even then they might be wearing a mask or just cause you dont have deeper conversations with someone doesnt mean they dont have them with other people or keep them to themselves. Watch Watamote, read Punpun, and learn basic logic before you end up fucking up the rest of your life because you're an uneducated gullible teenager that let's a website think for him. A website that says "moralfag" unironically. You probably arent that bad of a dude. Honor student? Boy scout? Athlete? Science fairs? Would you act the way you act on here in real life? Shouldn't that disturb you a little?
Women are just people with vaginas not some weird formula you plug and chug for or some problem to be solved. There are shitty people of both genders but if you get bogged down by them you are just holding yourself back. Take a long hard look at your life. The unexamined life is not worth living and all that.