>>2909467It doesn't work, so the lights (except for the volume fog and light emitter display) and some other parts don't work either. While I was making the patch, I somehow got at least the volume to recognize objects in the scene (
https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1801968091070365697/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/5Dm7cxyNDit93tew.mp4?tag=12 &
https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1802595444377124864/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/CSDaUNInXL9IA7eF.mp4?tag=12), but, ironically, at the end, while making sure to preserve the original behavior in MMD, Ctrl+Z'd too much and lost even that, and I have no idea what I did, and nothing I tried in order to get it back worked. Also attempted to make it use old lights from sdPBR 1.90, before the buffer, but got tired and dropped it before even making it work. I so fucking regret not backing it up. I will have to see if what I've learned from you with ikFur helps. Thanks again.
>> checked if the output really was low resOf that texture in the effect tab? Indeed, with Dimensions any texture just fills the viewport and does not change no matter which ratios you use.