>>1820855Those would be very interesting to compare.
Incidentally, I've been having the following post in the QR box for 5 hours now, while I was waiting for uploading to finish. (Currently at 51%.)
>>1820577>>1820579I ajust sorted my Holyshiryu stuff a bit and am uploading it to MEGA right now. I sorted it a bit, but didn't fully check it yet, since I can only upload at high speed right now and have to exploit that.
In total, the archive has 187 videos (35,5GB) dating back up to (including) his blogs and a few images (GIFs made by an anon here and background images from his sites).
Read the readme in the topmost folder to know about what's what and what some abbreviations mean. It's probably just useful to know that I sorted by download source and programs used, though.
I'd appreciate being notified of which videos I am missing.
Holyshiryu archive v.1.0 [28.07.15]: