Gypsy char from Ragnarok Online mmorpg. >>1352917I haven't seen an uploaded Code Geass doujin on that yet. I don't use Share, PerfectDark, or Winny so I would have missed many things. The best suggestion I have is to go to the doujinshi database and look at the cover images of various geass doujins until you find some with dancer/harem outfits on the cover. Then you will have to chase down those issues. If the titles are not listed in forum threads, then check masterbloodfer's large downloadable doujinshi archive; it's up to 25,000 doujins now??? The yaoi collectors probably have various Lulu harem variations, and that may be the alternative approach since if you have Lulu, there is the chance of CC and Kallen in harem outfits urging him to wear it as well.