>>2320933We returned to the cabin to fix my hair. Everyone had something to say about it and we tried plenty of things. Lisa did not accept either of them and as the dare-giver she picked a style that consisted on a double-bun.
“I look like Mickey Mouse…” I complained when I saw myself on the mirror.
Yes, it was kind of cute, for little girls. I was an adult… technically. My now incredibly long hair had been left alone for a while now and everyone in camp saw it as normal; which was something to be grateful of. Still, Medea had had the idea to use it to cover my ears instead of having to wear a hat for the rest of my life and Lisa had worked on that idea to give me two massive, circular conglomerations of hair at each side of my head that indeed covered my ears perfectly.
“We just have to leave enough down here to hide where you don’t have ears,” Lisa sang. She liked placing her hands on me.
She showed me in a mirror the final result and yes, it looked fine. Not my style but it was fine. I She had cut a minimal amount of hair and mostly from the front. The white tips were barely noticeable when most of them were rolled up. It looked okay; and I could still mostly hear fine.
“Teach her how to braid it by herself later,” Erika suggested. “Aria, smile!” I did. She took a picture.
“Now, for your actual dare…” Lisa continued.
There was no hope my ‘dare’ was to get my hair done. They were already taking it easy on me as it was, and Lisa gave me hope that it would be something simple because she said it wouldn’t involve nudity. After listening to it, I was not so sure about it.
My dare was to cause a ruckus at the dining area. Start a food fight.