Ok got my shit back together and working so I should be getting stuff done over the next few days.
>>1689173As usually I will shill my video I made, its shitty and I have tried 3 other times to make new ones with voice recorded audio so you don't have to read, but ffs I can't get a break and something has to not work each time. I will get to it eventually.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4aZJcSh2XQWELL here is this, I just pulled it together really quick because fuck. Both the video and this image are bad, but the video is a bit more in-depth.
Also yeah I know you said GIMP, but if GIMP can't do the stuff that I showed here just torrent photoshop. Also I am nearly 100% GIMP can do this because I have at least done a few
>>1689049 >>1689046 using the newest version of
paint.net which is pretty close.