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I browse and post on /h/ a lot but they seem to always have more shitposting and requests then we do.
/d/, oh god, /d/. /d/ is a really fucking bad board. No one there understands what quality is. Most of what they post there is shitty western art. They hardly ever follow the rules and they get away with it since the moderation there is lax. If you try to call them out on it, they throw bitchfits and will deny the rules even if you show them screenshots from mods saying that one particular thing is not allowed. I'm not sure about how it is now but they would have these threads where people would treat /d/ as their own personal blog and also "dare" threads. All of those are shitposts. Plus, they always seem to think that many things that actually belong on /e/, belong on their board such as cowgirls and big boobs. Whenever someone is cross-spamming or spamming in general they are so dumb that they will actually reply to it thinking its an actual legit post. People on /d/ are pretty fucking dumb in general. That said I do go there sometimes.
I don't like yuri so I don't go to /u/ at all. Even if I did like it I probably wouldn't go cause I've heard about some really stupid drama that goes on there.