>tfw procrastinating on working on my existing project character in SPNATI to make new ones because design is more fun than writingI wanted to try for a sort of sexy fantasy/horror, and a long, thin, and gangly look to go with the flat chest (since people tend to sperg out over lolis on plebbit).
Before I post, what do you think of her? 5-6 stages, in opposite the usual order (starting with robe -> panties; the stone is embedded in her chest, and I'm pleased with how the effect turned out). Far right is nude, since she won't give up her helmet, but I COULD have her take off her legs as her last stage if I made them both prostheses. Also thinking about using hair bits/belts for some injuries/bandages on her torso, since it's a bit plain right now, but I'm a bit worried about making her too busy.
>>2055271The hardest part is dialogue, just try to knock out a few lines every day and she'll be done before you know it. Also, don't forget that SPNATI import codes have to be in version 40 (current should be 49 iirc).