>>2287311https://www.deviantart.com/princebuffoon/journal/In-which-I-should-seriously-stop-making-games-370005791There’s the download link. It´s a text adventure, so you´ll need a special program to read it. Just google it. If you do make it work, something to keep in mind is that “save” is to save and “restore” is to load. “Kinky mode” is to activate the mode with the forfeits.
>>2287264Just listing the penalties in that game; when you win a bet in kinky you can make the loser streak around, masturbate, dance, or get spanked. If you lose, the same can happen to you. Sometimes the NPC will write on your skin (something like “pinch me!”) or do tricks like a dog. If you lose three times while the kinky mode active, you get a bad end depending on who you lose against; Lose to the rich bitch, you become her naked slave. Lose to the waiter, you take her place at dealing cards wearing only bunny ears. Lose to the receptionist, you are kicked out at a random place with no clothes.
Since this is a magical fantasy setting. You could also play with the pillory and stocks as punishment for breaking the law or angering the nobles.
Also, if you don’t want to reward the player for failure maybe you should consider adding targets for the player to strip and embarrass. That way, the better you do, the more girls you can get to see naked. Some of them may even try to get revenge, leading to additional scenarios. After you strip them all, you can have a very humiliating ending where they all gang up on you, that way you´ll be rewarded with enf of everyone. You could be playing something like a fantasy debt collector, with the goal of taking away your target´s clothes as payment. This profession would also make you unpopular with pretty much everyone and thus unlikely to garner much sympathy when something bad happens to you. And if you want an excuse for why you can´t wear what you steal, you teleport it to HQ or something.