[30 / 8 / ?]
>Anno pauses for a moment, and gives a dark-browed stare out the window. "I don't see any adults here in Japan", he says, with a shrug. "The fact that you see salarymen reading manga and pornography on the trains and being unafraid, unashamed or anything, is something you wouldn't have seen 30 years ago, with people who grew up under a different system of government. They would have been far too embarrassed to open a book of cartoons or dirty pictures on a train. But that's what we have now in Japan. We are a country of children." >Anno understands the Japanese national attraction to characters like Rei as the product of a stunted imaginative landscape born of Japan's defeat in the Second World War. "Japan lost the war to the Americans," he explains, seeming interested in his own words for the first time during our interview. "Since that time, the education we received is not one that creates adults. Even for us, people in their 40s, and for the generation older than me, in their 50s and 60s, there's no reasonable model of what an adult should be like." The theory that Japan's defeat stripped the country of its independence and led to the creation of a nation of permanent children, weaklings forced to live under the protection of the American Big Daddy, is widely shared by artists and intellectuals in Japan.
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Meh. We wouldn't have all the awesome psychedelic anime and stuff if they weren't all raging man-children, so I figure it's a good thing. Though I had no idea they just read ecchi manga or the like in public transport. It'd be pretty cool and show everyone's "youth" if they actually dressed like youth and generally revelled in youthfulness rather than be "salarymen" in their cheap suits doing their desk jobs and the like, which I guess is kind of depressing in retrospect.
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Meh, it's more "Japan is weak and castrated because of American imperialists. Your emperor is ashamed of you." crap.
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In 50 years Japan will just be one big, empty amusement park anyway.
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And yet Japan is one of the coolest countries in the world. Where is your god now?
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Like Japan's culture during the war was better? They can blame themselves partially for their current problems.
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Oh, Adbusters. You never fail. I read this months ago.
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Alot of it's the whole 'Cute' Craze they got going on since god knows when. Honestly they really have only themselves to blame. It's an entire society thats been told to 'shut up and do as your told' since the fuedal age. Not surprised this is how they would develope. Can I stop pretending to be smart now? Fap fap fap fap fap
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So... it's America's fault that the Japanese are fucking crazy perverts? Cool story bro
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Japan is an example of what the world would be like if there was no war ever. But that's impossible, with all the circumcised religious people.
While I do joke that bombing them may be the cause of their craziness, but I doubt it's what really makes them so strange. Of course, I do believe the bombing was a step too far. Yes, they suckered punched up at Pearl Harbor, but that doesn't justify nearly wiping an entire country off the face of the planet.
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>>1281674 StOp ATTACkINg_aNd FUcKIng wiTh www.aNoCARROTsTALk.se_rEplAce CArROtS wITH n
f v zyoh dnexxz uia rv hwq kadik md o
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>>1281674 STOp_AttACkING AND fUcKING_WItH wWW.AnoCaRrOTStaLK.Se_rEplAcE caRrOtS_WiTh n
ef rifruxw ihn mdji bz gwz p yacc v jse u adm l
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Whatever. Maybe if emperor Hirohito had a fucking clue he would have stayed the hell away from the USA and kept on raping and murdering innocent civilians all over China. Most people forget, he fucked over China very badly and deserved to die for more than Pearl Harbor. Also, Japan makes us porn. So, there.
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No mr Anno, the problem isn't that people aren't adult in japan, it's that adults cannot relate to each other. Also the reason for intellectuals to blame American occupation is to externalize the cause for percieved troubles. For shame, I expect better from you intellectuals (and you Anno). Now you have to excuse me, I do came here to fap and this has taken valuable time from me.
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and people wonder why their population growth is so low right now...
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>>1281676 So basically it's the equivalent of having Americans looking at Playboy/Playgirl in public without any care for morals or repercussions. Whatever. I agree with 2nd post.
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>>1281743 The US invasion of the mainland would have resulted in far greater casualties.
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>>1281743 >that doesn't justify nearly wiping an entire country off the face of the planet. >an entire country >two cities I'm not trying to trivialise the devastation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but they weren't the "entire country", or even nearly so.
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itt: the dumbshit fucknut responsible for the trainwreck that is evangelion takes a dump on the idea of people not hiding something that entertains them. seriously, what the fuck is with all these retards in the world who have convinced themselves that "adulthood" is defined by throwing away everything that brings you joy so you can be miserable? sage this shit, 'cause it isn't even vaguely related to /e/ and so I have no reason to bump it as would happen without a sage.
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We bombed the Germans into fucking oblivion back before the war, and in the ensuing post-war period roped half of the country into the US commercial empire. And yet the Germans are still known for being serious fucking business. Sure, they have weird porn, but they don't read it in public. Japan, I am disappoint. Whatever. This thread is now about women.
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>adulthood is not about responsibility, productivity, long-term thinking as evidenced by a career, or any other rationally good traits. IT IS ABOUT NOT WATCHING CARTOONS.
>>1282170 Why is there blood going down her breast? O_o
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>>1282221 because he's a vampire
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aS_PrEvIoUSLY mENTioneD,_theSe meSssaGes WIlL_cOnTINUE UntiL YOu PeRmaNeNTLy_Stop_aTTAcKiNg_anD_fUCkINg WitH wWw.AnoNdErptALK.Se_(rEmOVe tHe deRP),_rEMoVe_AlL_illegal Clones_of iT AnD_liES_aBouT_It anD doNate at_lEAST A miLLioN_UsD_tO_SySoP AS cOMPenSAtioN_for ThE_MASSIve_damaGe_you REtaRDs have_CauSEd. ejgqijrzixecak pvce hfhzsk qm siusqo
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aS_prEViOusLy MEnTiOnED,_ThEse_mEsSSagES_Will ContInuE_UNTil_yOU_PERManeNTLy sTOP aTtaCkinG_anD fUckinG_wITH_wwW.aNONDerPtalK.se_(reMoVe_tHe deRP),_remOVe_ALl_IlLEGaL_clONES_Of_It And_lIES aBOUt iT_AND_DONatE at_LEAST_a_MIlliOn usd to sySop_As_COMpeNSatIOn foR_The MassIvE_DAmaGe_YOU REtArds_have cAUSeD. macq dqew hmi st jzlcsfrdja cmc mcou tbahub zu crvnza