>>1317674>>1317829>>1317672All true. The only thing is, now that I think back, when playing FF7, the impression that stuck with me was still "she has big boobies" and "she kicks ass".
I was 15 at the time. It ain't like that's any bit surprising. Most of the artists still drawing her nowadays were probably around the same, and more than likely when they go to draw, all that pops into their head is as described by
If that story were to be revisited, I suppose, it would do well to play up this aspect of her personality more. The "sweet girl-next-door" doesn't necessarily mean she isn't confident of her body (as evidenced by her mode of dress) or what it's capable of (beating the shit out of everything from trained military spec-ops to primordial god-machines--fuck her jobbing to whats-his-face in Advent Children, that shit derailed *everyone's* characterization, so it doesn't count--but that's another rant). She was just no good at properly expressing herself.
Consider this: if she were gender-swapped and kept *all* of her basic traits (hot body, not shy about it, kicks ass, but introverted and somewhat inarticulate), nobody would so much as blink.
She's basically just a female version of the old "dumb muscle with hidden depths" archetype.
Now, more food for thought: Aeris and Tifa are nearly the exact same people as Edgar and Sabin from FF6, just in girl bodies.
You can't un-think it now.