>>1390141>Same here as well, looks nice>niceThat's a funny way of spelling "familiar".
You need to die in a fire. For a year, you've been asking "Sauce?", "Sauce?", "Sauce?" in countless gif threads - and EVERY single gif you've wanted the source for has been from Seikon no Qwaser. It's the answer you've been getting everytime.
You'd think something that tickled your fancy so consistently, and for so long, is something you would've picked up and watched by now. Fuck. The LEAST you could do is read a damn Wiki about the show and learn what the characters look like so that you recognize them on sight.
You post on various boards, including /w/, where you're always asking and taking instead of contributing; how 'bout spending some of that lurk time helping yourself?
And believe me, I'm not an asshole. It literally took me 13+ months of seeing your name asking for the same thing in the same threads which happen to come from the same show, for me to bother posting about 4 paragraphs that you'll probably just dismiss with a "tl;dr" or "u mad?", but seriously, dude... The next time you feel the urge to type out the word "sauce", just assume it's SnQ - 'cause you certainly have the eye for it.