>>1395464Your posts make you look like a self-loathing homosexual. Sorry dude, I calls 'em like I sees 'em. Maybe if you backed off the whole "PPP is teh homosex herp derp" thing, that wouldn't come across. I mean, "white knight fagboys"? "Rainbow man"? Not to mention your whole "I love everything about girls bodies, oh yeah and I've also known lots and lots of girls IRL" thing. You're really not doing yourself any favors, bro.
>>1395474>ITT: People who missed the threads where PPP flaunted his rainbows like a total fruitcake in his defence of people telling him to lose the trip.I saw plenty of those threads. PPP turning the gay up to 11 was trolling the trolls, fighting fire with fire. It was the right call. Being fabulous wasn't justification for Anon's behavior towards him then and it isn't now.
Content, high in quality and quantity, is the single most important thing to this board, not who the poster of said content is or how they behave. Nothing else matters.