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No.1492074 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Greetings gentl/e/men,

On each board I travel I hardly see any mention of mascots. So I've decided to start a mascot thread (/e/ related of course).
Old thread here: >>1491589

What are mascots? As seen in the OP image, it is a character that appears above your post area while using 4chan-style script and 4chanX.

Images can be modified and used to create mascots, simply make a .png file (transparent background) and make the width of the image 250px. I will be posting mascots that I have made (or stolen and modified) in this thread. First thread was a great success (I think) so I will be posting more mascots here (I will also be posting v2's of mascots posted in the first thread).

Feel free to post anything you have made here as well, might answer a question or two or do a request also.