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No.1574923 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey peoples, I need some help and if you won't mind lending your knowledge that would be awesome.

My wife is interested in watching some ecchi related anime but I don't know what to start her off with since I don't really watch it myself either. I'm surprised she's even interested since she's never cared for anime before so I'm looking for something high quality, that way it won't turn her off to it (I figure I have one shot at this or she'll write it off). I don't know what to have her watch... Kiss X Sis is awesome as far as the quality of the anime and ecchi scenes, but the incest angle might put her off (damn your incestual bullshit Japan!). Are there any others that are of the same caliber as Kiss X Sis out there? Maybe a list somewhere? Google isn't much help since I don't even know what I'm really trying to find.

Thanks peoples!