>>1642941the real challenge, which everyone is so want to ignore, isn't that of uncanny valley figures/looks, but uncanny valley intelligence/behavioral patterns. Consider the unscripted AI patterns in any of the video games you play, which are--arguably--the height of commercial AI. With few-to-no exceptions, no AI of note has even yet reached the the crest *prior* to the valley's trough. It's even more difficult because T&A are largely static: you only need to do it right once; whereas a personality has to be dynamic, constantly reacting convincingly to new stimuli, and a single "chink" in the armor could be deathknell to the facade. Without very serious R&D and a reliable early adopter market it will be very difficult to not only create such consistently convincing AI, but unique AI personalities, to say nothing of the time and computational power it would require. Short of quantum computing or some brilliant new paradigm I wouldn't be surprised if brain-in-a-jar cyborgs arrive first, and even then not likely, at least not consistently enough to replace another human.