>>1667630To become good at art or replicating the human figure, you don't have to pay a bunch of money. If you really want to learn how to draw people and don't want to pay a lot of money, invest only time and effort in learning. Watch videos of people moving, dancing or the like and familiarize yourself with how the body moves and how the parts of the body are connected to one another. Then do a lot of drawing figure study. You can do this simply by finding a site, like posemaniacs, and taking some time to do sketches of different body poses. Doing rough sketches to try to replicate the basic shape and any movement happening will greatly benefit your skill set. After doing this enough, you should be able to guess how the body would look in a certain position on your own, but remember that you are never too good for references!
And so far as anime is concerned, the body proportions aren't the same as a normal human's. The heads in anime are obviously usually a bit larger, the torso is usually a bit shorter compared to very long legs. Think of it this way, the "short" people in anime tend to have more realistic toroso:leg proportions to a normal human being. As with any cartooning styles, the human proportions aren't exact, so feel free to play with thigh and calf length, etc. There is definitely a point when it starts to look a bit "wrong", but if you look at enough anime, decide what kind of proportion style you like and begin to replicate it, you can surely get the knack of it with enough good practice.
Best of luck to you! I'm a learning artist too, and I'm completely poor, so I'm making the best possible use of resources available to me. I'm sure you can do the same too! :D