>>1716244dominate the interactions of the couple, but as social roles. The division of labor prevents them from making love. They produce or reproduce. Without quite knowing how to use their leisure. Such little as they have, such little indeed as they wish to have. For what are they to do with leisure? What substitute for amorous resource are they to invent? Stil...
Perhaps it is time to return to that repressed entity, the female imaginary. So woman does not have a sex organ? She has at least two of them, but they are not identifiable as ones. Indeed, she has many more. Her sexuality, always at least double,
even further: it is plural. Is this the way culture is seeking to characterize itself now? Is this the way texts write them selves/are written now? Without quite knowing what cen sorship they are evading? Indeed, woman's pleasure does not have to choose between clitoral activity and vaginal passivity
for example. pleasure ofthe vaginal caress does not have to
be substituted for that of the clitoral caress. They each contrib-
ute, irreplaceably, to woman's pleasure. Among other ca-
resses . . . Fondling the breasts, touching the vulva, spreading the lips,
stroking posterior wall of the vagina, brushing against the mouth ofthe uterus, and so on. To evoke only a few of the most female pleasures. Pleasures which are somewhat misunderstood in sexual difference as it is imag ined-or not imagined, the other sex being only the indispens
able complement to the only sex.