Within reason, body weight isn't a great proxy for overall physical health and constitution. If a girl is slightly thicker than others of her league, she can still enjoy good health and appear voluptuous and sexy to men who enjoy that archetype. Like others in this thread have mentioned, girls are predisposed to deposit fat around their body and enjoy a thicker, rounder frame, even if many nowadays seem to feel contempt for bigger girls. Now, just to ground here, I mean merely overweight when I say this. Think maybe around/slightly above 20-30% bodyfat. I'm not here to argue 600 pounds or anything like that should be healthy or attractive. The majority of sickness associated with the overweight is cardiovascular disorder and metabolic trouble like diabetes. The former of which is much less of a threat in more moderated sizes and the latter is often due to exceedingly poor diet and not excess fat.
TL;DR bodyfat can only tell you a very small amount about well-being (or lack thereof). With decent habits, a bigger girl can still enjoy decent health.