Congratulations on your first post!
To help you transition from eager lurker to avid poster, let me lend you three tips.
1) Start by reading the board rules sticky.
>>1435774 Specifically, the part about requests.
>- Requests. All requests go in /r/. Do not post requests here unless you have at least 6 pictures related to what you're requesting.In other words, any post with less than six posts is considered a request which is considered against the rules.
2) So, let's find you some more pictures to post. Try one of the booru sites.
danbooru.don%✓&tags=skullgirls+ Save a bunch of pics you like, then post them here to fill your thread.
3) Despite what it may seem, the OP doesn't propose a thread in a single post and see it magically filled by the community. Most of the time it's actually the OP who did most of the filling. We're more about giving than receiving here.
Anyway, let me be the first to welcome you to /e/!