Congratulations on your first post!
Unfortunately your first post isn't quite there yet. Here's three quick ways to improve it.
1) Start by reading the board rules sticky.
>>1436774. Especially the part about requests.
>- Requests. All requests go in /r/. Do not post requests here unless you have at least 6 pictures related to what you're requesting.In other words, until you have six images your thread is considered a request, which is considered a rules violation.
2) Before you can post pictures you need to have pictures. If all you have are those two, try one of the booty sites to help you stock up. Third, what did you think would happen when you started a thread with two pictures? Did you think the community would fill it to 200 in the course of a few hours? What do you you would do if the roles were reversed? Support a thread whose original poster put less than a minute if effort into?
Despite how it may seem, the OP usually posts the majority of the images in any given thread. Not the other way around. We're more about giving than receiving here.
That being said, let me be the first to welcome you to /e/~
Here's hoping to see many from you in the future.