>Operation Spotlight is an organized effort being created between multiple boards in 4chan, Reddit, YouTube, and any other news outlet we reach out to. This begins NOW, because people need to be informed and make the difference BEFORE the Senate vote!Corporate greed has now solidified into a very real law of suffering known as the TPP. Do not be fooled - those that champion this bill as "free trade" are fully prepared to let Obama BYPASS congress and make deals that America has no say in. In fact, only 5 of the 29 chapters INVOLVE trade!
https://youtu.be/xzfxv2XQoPg>And the best part of these bills? You're not supposed to KNOW or CARE about it.Thursday, the American House passed the TPA on a very close margin of 218-204.
>http://hotair.com/archives/2015/06/18/house-and-senate-to-vote-on-trade-bill-again-without-taa/Now it moves to the Senate. This is the LAST line of defense before Obama can sign it.
We must not wait for the day it is voted on.
There are other bills similar that are coming - but first and foremost, TPP is priority.
The TPP includes:
>Allow major corporations to sue governments for expected loss of profit over legislation on a "maybe">Force ISPs to spy on people to enforce DRM/DMCA copyright law and possibly cut off internet access>Get rid of the labeling on harmful products that say they're harmful (cigarettes)>Removing the country of origin from packaged goods such as meat>WE MUST TAKE A STAND. NOT LATER, BUT NOW!>TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW>WE MUST GET CELEBRITY PERSONALITIES TO SPEAK>WE MUST INFORM OUR SENATORS>SPREAD THE WORDSPAM EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA SITE WITH "OPERATION SPOTLIGHT"
I hate being banned but this has to be done.
It affects us all.