Congratulations on your first thread!
Looks like you got a little ahead of yourself though, let me take a moment to go over a few quick rules and pointers to help you acclimate.
1) Start by reading the board rules
>>1436774, particularly the part about requests. We get so many one-post-threads per day that we instated a 6-post-minimum limit to draw the line between requests and actual threads. That means your thread is a rule violation until you hit that mark.
2) All out of pictures and nowhere near six images? First of all, if you're looking for Hestia pics, try lurking around Anonymous vi Brittannia
>>1805738 >>1803136. After that, try one of the booru's if you haven't already. Here's a link to help get you started. Lastly, let me take a minute to dispel any illusions you may have about /e/. Perhaps the most common misunderstanding amongst newcomers is the one that the OP comes along, declares a thread into existence, and the existing community fills it up without any further intervention from the original poster. When you stop to think about that, how much sense would that make? Why would we spend all that time and energy on a thread whose OP abandoned it after one post? /e/ isn't a place to be spoonfed pictures, it's a place for you to share the pictures you do have with the community.
I've been told my welcome messages come across a bit condescending, let me apologize that for that, as it is not my intention. I'm genuinely excited whenever I see new faces here, and I sincerely hope you take my advice to heart, stick around, and become an avid poster here.
With that out of the way, let me be the first to welcome you to /e/~