>>1872053>Bumping before this thread 404s.Welcome to /e/. There's like, five, things wrong with that sentence.
/e/ is slow. You have AT LEAST a week before your thread 404s.
And you can't "bump" a thread that's still on page 1. It doesn't make sense.You "bump" a thread to get it BACK to page 1 after a spell of inactivity.
Your thread isn't even board-legal yet. The rules state anything with less than six posts is a request thread. So by posting to your own thread and calling it a "bump" before you've even done the bare minimum is jumping the horse a little bit.
On /e/, we only bump successful threads. You're bumping like this is /r/, only bumping YOUR threads.
And, on /e/, we have this cool trick that's 1000% more successful than bumping. It's called posting. See, fun fact: a thread still jumps to page 1 if you post a picture even if you don't write "bump." You should give it a try.