>>1948913You still get retards who try to connect it with the fat acceptance movement, as if liking soft girls automatically means that you agree with some cunt's shitty hypocritical victim complex and ultra-authoritarian attitude.
What they fail to realize is that much of the FA crowd hates men who have the audacity to have a fetish of any sort, especially if they pursue it. They see male sexuality as something that should exist solely for the sake of female validation. When male sexuality begins serving the man first and foremost, they try to call it sexual objectification or even rape. As with other forms of feminism, the only answer that will satisfy them is agreeing that you're a latent rapist and a sexist piece of shit, and surrendering any voice except that which blindly serves their interests, while pretending that this is equality.
We're most certainly not allies with a group of people who would see us burn, any more than not having a fat fetish makes you an ally of a feminist who isn't fat.