>>2057285"Thicc/thick" refers to a pear or hourglass with an especially big butt, a small enough waist, espescially wide hips and especially thick thighs, and not too much excess belly fat, if there's any excess fat there at all. It's often seen as a weight range in between being skinny and being fat.
It may seem like this thread is nothing special because thicc anime girls are posted all through out the board, but there are pictures that wouldn't be allowed here. For example, a girl like >2054770 or >2046620 wouldn't be posted into a thicc thread because of the narrow hips and slender legs, while >2053114 wouldn't be posted here because her waist isn't that small and her stomach is paunchy, making her more chubby than thicc. And a picture like >2045487 shouldn't be posted because despite the perfect hourglass figure, her thighs aren't thick enough, and she's overall too slender.