Overall series information:
http://sneakerbunko.jp/special/shinmaimaou-anime/index.php http://uesuya.blog76.fc2.com (authors blog)
Anime information: Season 1 and Season 2 are both online and uncensored (please support the upcoming NA release of the anime)
Manga information:Shinmai Maou No Keiyakusha(licensed/ ended with volume 9)
Shinmai Maou No Arashi (licensed/ended w/ 5 volumes total)
Light Novel information: 10 volumes are currently available. Volume 11 release date TBD
Light novel volumes 1-6 can be found in english on Baka Tsuki, volume 7 is currently being translated.
Crowdfund is currently working on content from volumes 8,9,10, and the side stories
Side stories: Shinmai Maou Light! and Sweet! are both available. EX 1 is on Baka-Tsuki. EX2 was packaged with Burst BD1.
Information on the crowdfund project can be found at
http://shinmai.sky-field.org . or
https://shinmaimaoutranslation.wordpress.com The main focus is finishing up volume 9. Once volume 9 is finished we'll begin working on volume 10. I recommend reading the funding FAQ. Email me if you have additional questions.
Since Arashi has been licensed we've dropped translations for volumes 4 and 5. If you're interested in the finished version of volume 3 send me an email and I'll be happy to send you the link.
Feel free to talk about whatever you want regarding the series while we wait for volume 11's release. Please try to keep things civil if possible.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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The Volume 9 manga tank finally delivered on uncensored tits and sex. Hopefully it includes a release window or date for volume 11.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/spec_530/archives/55627467.html Anonymous
>>2095324 Yes on zest, sucks we had to wait for the final volume to get any action. Also was chisato ever in the manga and if so what chapter/volume was she in?
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>>2095605 The final volume of manga is at the end of the Zolgear arc. So I think they're going to skip Chisato during the sex scenes.
No vol 11 announcement. Proceeding to post lewd.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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Volume 9 of the comic walker manga contains no mention or advertisement for volume 11. I posted all the lewds on fapservice and will post them here later if somebody else hasn't already.
First is the sex scene at the end of the final chapter.
>>2095782 Anonymous
>>2095791 This is hopefully a preview of what we can expect for vol 11
Some of my own recolors with paintschainer
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この度は「新妹魔王の契約者』第九巻をお買い上げ頂き 誠にありがとうございます。最後の最後までみやこかしわです! というわけで、新妹魔王の契約者コミック版は、 仇敵ゾルギアを倒したところで一旦、幕となります。 もちろん、原作ではこの後も刃更や澪たちの戦いやエロは続いています。 澪たちとまた会いたくなったら、こっそり覗いてみてください。 きっと上栖先生がまたやりすぎていますから(尊敬) ちなみにエピローグは、「ゼストのエロも描きたかったですね』という打ち合わせでの話から、エース本誌での最終回の後に特別に番外編として描かせてもらいました。ありがとうございました。 さて!皆様に楽しんで頂けたなら幸いですが、おそらく 誰よりも楽しませてもらったのは当の私だと思います。 特に万理亜という素晴らしいキャラに出会い彼女を描けたことは 今後、漫画を描いていく上で大きな宝物になると思います。 これまでほとんど漫画を描いた事がなかった私に漫画の基礎から 指導*サホートしてくださった担当の岸田さん 漫画としての演出や展開に理解をくださり、臨機応変に 漫画用の設定に変更*追加してくださった上栖先生、大熊先生 スニーカー編集部の皆様 作品をサポートしてくださったアシスタントの皆さん そして読者の皆様、本当にありがとうございました。 またいつか少年エースで描かせて頂きたいなと思います。 是非、次の作品でもお会いしましよう! …あっ!一巻からずっと言いたかった抱腹絶倒の裏話が… Nothing of relevance to us. Final words from the manga artist. She has another work out right now, it's worth looking into.
Translations can be found in the previous thread. It's mostly just moaning, gasping and the girls feverishly begging for more dick.
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>>2096002 anybody know what is going on with baka-tsuki?
>>2096134 is that from funimation? Cause in know that if you pre-order the english dub you get a steel art book of the series.
>>2096226 Yea. Funimation is releasing it this halloween. Kira Buckland (2B) voices Maria and Wendee Lee (Faye) is Chisato.
They also have the first ova bundled. Wendee Lee is just going to do her Faye voice during the titjob.
>>2096252 I feel like the art book wont have anything new. Also are they just releasing season 1 on October and will they also release Burst on the 31st?
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>>2096283 It's just the first season and the first OVA. Burst will come out later
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>>2096134 for the art book there better be some never before seen images not just illustrations from the light novel because that stuff is already online :/
>>2095275 Is there anymore official colored illustrations from the light novel
>>2096396 Well you are seeing one.
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>>2096649 I don't think that word means what you think it means.
is Ookuma working on the final volume already?
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we got some summertime Kurumi :)
>>2099021 He is, says so in the post
久々にお絵かき投下 新妹魔王 最終巻に向けて頑張るマン
>>2099157 I wish he would draw the girls for fun more often, it doesnt always have to be cannon. I would love to see kurumi and zest together.
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>>2099174 This is his job, you know. Guy's gotta make a living too.
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>>2099747 We need ova's that would make up a season 3
>>2099748 Anonymous
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2096396 Only novels 1-3 have received color versions so far.
This series alerted me to Ookuma and holy shit his illustrations are some of the best fap material Even browsed Hundred (Which seems like some sort of derivative Infinite Stratos which is already pretty derivative) just for that art. Is there anybody comparable?
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WAS there anything relating to Shinmai maou no testament during Comiket, any doujins?
>>2101244 >>2099747 I was waiting for some Chisato butthurt fan to post old content because she has gotten zero in so long. Stop posting old shit. If she ain't got anything new don't feel inclined to post old stuff just to get her out there. There honestly was no need for this thread because there's NOTHING to talk about right now.
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Any new shinmai doujins?
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>>2102229 Unless we have any new shinmai doujin from comiket
I want a new season so bad
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>>2102909 or at least new art
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>>2104403 Congratulations you played yourself
When is Baka-Tsuki gonna translate another chapter?
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>>2101543 The closest to his art is his friend NamanikuATK. Too bad all he ever seems to draw is monster girls.
Just saw the first english clip of The Testament of Sister New Devil on youtube on Funimation's channel. The dubs sounds okay, not great but okay.
>>2106436 i went to the crunchyroll expo and went to see the funimation panel when testament came up all the fans were excited except for the presenters LOL they were blushing, i wish they showed a preview during the expo though :)
THE Panel was about the dubs funimation were making.
>>2106436 i liked all the voices from that preview except for Yuki, they could have done better just imagine how her moaning scenes would be like. I also wish they showed us what we would get from the per-order, anybody else gonna pre-order testament?
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2106452 Yeah I preordered the limited edition. I thought the dub was going to be shit, but based off the trailer it isn't that bad. I agree Yuki's voice sounds weird. Ray Chase was a good pick for Lars.
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Is Basara's voice the guy who voiced Ichigo from Bleach because that would ruin my childhood.
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>>2106452 Honestly In my opinion, I think Yuki has the best English voice. The English voice fits her pretty well to me.
>>2106451 If they were embarrassed by that wait till they have to present masou gakuen HxH. I wish I was there cause I'd be the guy that embarrassed them more by pointing out their embarrassment.
>>2106508 Hahahahahaha you actually insinuating HxH will get a dub. Gtfo idiot
Amtro is a little faggot who wants that Basara dick
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106514 Who? No I'm actually another person that you got his comment removed in the past.
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106515 Obey the rules in the future, then.
Some faggot got my wall of text post on the manga, the release schedule and possible chapters that may be included in the final volume and prediction of content in the final LN volume because it wasn't explicitly about the LN.
I've learned to stay within the rules. You should too.
>>2106518 Why do you keep coming back here? Didn't I tell your bitch ass to leave already?
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106519 Pussy? I'd lay you out, faggot.
Many years of lifting and hard manual labor as a part time jpb say otherwise.
>>2106520 You weren't telling me to leave when I posted those pages from the last volume of the manga.
Hypocrite much? Also, you have no authority here. Get that through your dumb leecher skull. You're bottom feeder trash who relies on the good will of others.
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>>2106521 Laid me out? Who are you
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>>2106521 Dude I can buy the manga idiot also "jpb" nice grammar idiot
>>2106521 Also lol I have bought all the volumes so far dumbass
>>2106528 Damn dude you really shut the other dude up
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106538 Nah, I'm just busy. Think I'll just share the volume with superior, hokoga and a few others and let the rest of you fags fuck yourselves.
After all, you're of no use to me. Only reason why I've been sharing spoilers and scans all these years is to make more people interested in the series.
Now that my jap is semi usable, the series is ending and we have dedicated TLs working on the volumes there's no need for me to continue doing this. There's no benefit. It'll be days after release and you won't have so much as a moan translated, lol. But don't worry, I am sure that geek akiba will post a few spoilers, enough to get you craving for more, as always.
It's about high time you realized that it's just me, superior and a few others who gave you the time of the day.
>>2106540 So superior will give it to donors or people will just pay like 6 dollars to get it themselves. Go fuck yourself bitch you ain't needed
>>2106540 You're a cocky little bitch ain't you. Hell I donate and was one of the first people that came up with the idea with Superior yet I don't even like you. Telling them you won't share is one thing but no one likes a douchebag.
>>2106512 Funimation already said they were dubbing it, release date is in November.
>>2106550 Where'd you hear this at? That'll probably sell worse than Shinmai is. The west isn't big fans of harems like Japan is. Funi is crazy to do this
>>2106540 >my jap is semi usable >semi usable Almost took you seriously there. Well, even if you are this is a laughable thing to brag about.
>>2106552 Funi always dubs ecchi shows, they announced it at one of those damn conventions and the info page for perordering says its dubbed. Funi is actually known for saying fuck you to the SJWs and dubbing all the lewd shows, where as Sentai panders to them and refuses to dub any ecchi shows they get and only licenses them to prevent dubs of them (R.I.P a To Love-ru dub)
>>2106613 Do they make money from them though? Shows like Shinmai and HxH have a very small fandom.
>>2106612 That's why no one else listens to him. He just goes on and drags. I remember when I used animesuki a few months back a user told me to avoid him and that everyone ignores him.
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106543 Sure, if you wait a while. But the raws? Not likely. Per our agreement he has not shared them to anyone but the translator.
>>2106545 Who the fuck is it that keeps egging me on? Come release hour you won't have a single thing now. Maybe just the pictures if you buy it yourself, or one of you somehow figures out how to take screenshots. But you'll find that it's a lot harder to get past bookwalker's DRM than you think.
Nevermind OCR, or perfect raws.
But don't worry. I may post teasers. Just teasers mind you, things like low res images of text from lewd scenes, crops and vague hints.
>>2106624 It's literally just one fag trying to piss you off in some bizarre tantrum. The admin from animesuki confirmed that it's just one dude trying to get everyone mad. Chill the fuck out.
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>>2106631 Why you losers bringing animesuki shit here? No one cares about that site
>>2106624 Ok I'm gonna talk to superior about you because you're getting annoying
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106665 And who are you?
>>2106666 I'm one of the people that started this thing with him. I'm gonna talk to him about the negative mood you bring to this thread with your constant bragging. If you don't like someone just ignore them. No need to be a douche
>>2106667 What a coincidence so am I. I was the one who posted the summaries way back when superior got banned.
And I'm not bragging, I'm telling you all that you're biting the hand that feeds you. I've been buying the novels and posting spoilers since volume fucking 5 or 6 and have been content to stay behind the scenes. Dammit most of the pics you have came from me. But when some faggot comes out and says "hurr we don't need you" you can assume that it's going to piss me off. It's only one volume left and a few possible SS volumes, and people are attacking the raw provider.
It's a shame because I happen to lead a TL group and I'm reasonably well connected. Raws, tools, translators and editors. I can pull a few strings and get all these and more. But when this is what I get for the trouble.
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>>2106619 I think they sell a lot better than what people believe, they might even make more money then other types of anime, It's also probably good to note that they don't have to pay for licensing of kodakawa published shows (which seems like 90% of ecchi shows are) since they have a partnership with crunchyroll and crunchy has a partnership with kodakawa and they automatically get them for free, plus crunchy pays half of dubbing cost so with two companies that make a couple hundred million dollars a year are splitting the cost of dubbing funi probably paid less to dub them then what the licensing fees would have cost, funi also gets all the money from home video sales since they give their subtitled streaming licenses of all their shows to crunchy.
>>2106552 Actually you would be suprised in how many fans in the west love ecchi. When i was in the funimation panel fans were less excited about dbs but when testament came up they were more excited about that and were upset we did not get a preview.
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>>2106552 >The west isn't big fans of harems like Japan is. Well what about maken-ki and highschool of the dead, didnt they do pretty well in America?
>>2106693 Dude I have the volumes so you can't giving me shit. The only help I'm getting is from the translator so shut the hell up. No one is biting from the hand that feeds them. Seriously with you it's best to be seen and not heard because you aren't likeable
>>2106693 And no people don't attack people fir no reason. I don't even know why people have said anything negative to you but just from reading your comments it's probably because you're an asshole. If you're gonna talk like that then maybe people are right and you should leave.
>>2106749 Who gives a shit if I'm likable or not?
Stay out of my fucking way and we're cool, the moment you start bitching at me is the moment I start wanting to twist your fucking neck.
If you don't want to hear me then don't talk to me.
>>2106750 This all started because some faggot was calling me names after I said that I liked Kurumi and has since then snowballed
>>2106752 I'll be dammed that I get talked down by some bitch like you after all the hard work I've put in this series. I'm telling YOU to shut the fuck up cause NO ONE here likes you and you're souring the mood. I'm asking what's best for the majority. I don't understand why you constantly go on about not wanting to be here yet you still are. People are tired of your whining and you are tired of them. You can just go. Is there something I'm missing as to why you keep coming back?
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>>2106753 So you place blame on one guys actions on everybody else?
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>>2106756 Maybe he just wants to feel needed? He acts the same way on animesuki and people learned to just ignore him
>>2106756 What hard work? You donated once
>>2106761 Dude I've been with Superior since the start and have donated for about 5-6 chapters to be translated so go fuck yourself. I even got in contact with him about putting more money in for vol.10. You sound stupid now don't you
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>>2106710 In all fairness dbs does suck but I get what you mean.
>>2106753 Are you that guy that was called a pedo for liking Kurumi. My guy that was like 3 threads back and over a year ago move on. No one else even remembers that happened
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106762 Not at all. Donating is something anyone can do.
I don't mind donating, just haven't had a job in a year so cash has been tight, most I've been able to give was a few bucks (and the raws of course). But I spent my entire summer woking my ass off, so I don't mind donating now. It's just that it's hard to get a good grasp on how much funds superior needs for the project and the progress/funding section never gets updated.
Unless you've actively worked on the TL I'm not going to grovel and beg for forgiveness.
And if you want to continue the pissing contest, I've said that I can lend out some of my own staff who are also fans of Shinmai Maou. I'm the leader of OniisamaTL, we TL mahouka. Since 2014 we've released 4 books, 5 if you count vol 15 which we finished after it was taken down from bakabt. We're experienced and capable and I can vouch for the skill of the TLor in question.
>>2106767 Please just leave then. This ain't a pissing contest it's just one man who just won't walk away.
By the way who do you think gave him the idea? Who started planning and scouting for translators with him? Unlike you I've never tried to belittle what you've done for the translation but if you're gonna be a dick then you're not needed. You're the one that keeps coming back. If you feel that people are ungrateful then go. Bye
>>2106767 My guy giving out his resume like he hiring to be hired for a good or something. Lol ok that makes you a big deal I guess.
Now to change the topic back to the story. Can someone explain to me who the blonde girl is?
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>>2106769 Trying to be hired for a job*
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106768 I keep tabs on threads to keep up with releases when I'm busy. I'm not going to leave no matter what you do or say.
>not a pissing contest >proceeds to continue pissing >>2106769 My resume is quite a few pages longer, but good joke. My facial muscles almost twitched.
>>2106693 >>2106767 This is a first. I've never seen a troll who has some experience. That one guy is gone now so why are you so mad? Its like you're intentionally doing this to get other people worked up now.
Guys can someone tell me who the blonde is please? This argument is dumb
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106773 I'll admit that I am saying shit to get people riled up and mad, but I am also mad at that fucking autist retard viperslayer.
>>2106774 Celis is her name, she's a childhood friend of Yuki and Basara. Probably won't see much of her in vol 11, so don't cross your fingers.
>>2106772 Lol bashes me for donating by saying everyone donates then goes on to say I keep tabs on threads, which everyone does. Dude you're not even funny at this. If you're gonna stay you don't you go back to the shadows. You know what I'll be the bigger man and walk away and let you ramble about the same shit you say every damn thread.
Blah blah tl team
Blah blah one fag
Blah blah hand that feeds
Blah blah poor attempt at insult
Have a nice day.
>>2106775 Um he ain't even here so.... what?
Also can someone please tell me who the blonde hero is?
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
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>>2106776 I'm not bashing you. Why do you think I'm bashing you? Are you viperslayer, or that other faggot who keeps getting in my case? In that case I want to physically bash you. If not we're cool. You're losing your shit over nothing.
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106777 CELIS. I'll even give you her pics to drive the point home.
>>2106777 The blonde is a hero and childhood friend of Basara and Yuki from the Vatican.
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
LoN !!00u+ykK4iFz
>>2106780 Oh thanks man. So is she in the harem or just his friend?
>>2106783 Sorry I don't think she will be
>>2106786 Oh well I'm not too mad about that. Truly I wasn't that interested in her I just was curious on who she is. I am glad she is just a friend since Basara doesn't have much just friends relationship with women.
Thanks again for asking my question.
>>2106787 No problem man. I should thank you for bringing the convo back on Shinmai
>>2106788 I've only read up to volume 4 but saw illustrations of later volumes so I was just curious about some things. I have one other question which I'm sure is asked a lot: Does Chisato make a similar contract with Basara as Mio and the others?
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>>2106789 Yes, but why keep spoiling yourself. Just read on.
Only told you answer since unless donater you wont get to read that part.
>>2106789 Yeah she does make a contract with him but it's different than the one he has with Mio and the others
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>>2106819 Oh I see. Thanks I'm so far behind so I want to know little things so I can be in the know about some plot points. I don't like being completely spoiled so I try not to ask about too many things or read too many spoilers on websites. Just some Baka-tsuki illustrations had me wondering about some things. Thanks again man for taking the time to answer my questions.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2106693 What did I get banned from lol? I know I disappear from time to time. (Have to go make that money)
Does anyone know if the OVA is included in the english dub? Judging off the Funni website it looks like the dub of the OVA is included but I'm not sure.
>>2106777 I actually took the time to make a Celis page on the Shinmai wikia. I'm not 100% finished with it, but added most of the general information regarding Celis. Whoever else has been updating the wikia you have my thanks.
>>2106826 Didn't you get banned from animesuki when you were posting summaries way back when?
>>2106826 Really? Would be surprised if OVA gets dubbed. Seems like 99% of animes that get dub treatment ignore the OVA's.
You would think they would though. Lots of times the OVA's are more wanted by fans than the actual series.
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>>2106843 It's getting dubbed. Be ready for Faye Valentine to be lewd.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2106830 I'm honestly not sure if I got banned. I just stopped posting there because I got really busy with work and had other shit to do.
I appreciate you picking up my slack though.
Anyone got a better scan of this picture
Since it seems people are coming here just to post old shit I'll do the same
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>>2109758 That is sooooo HOT!!!!!
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>>2109760 Is this from arashi?
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>>2109758 Can't tell if that's the manga artist or not
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Shinmai is like the combination of Sekirei and Valkyrie Drive.
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Where can i download the bd? its not on nyaa.
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Anybody know if this is a manga or light novel side story, and do any of you guys know where i can check it out.
>>2107215 do you still have the art book of the anime?
>>2109758 Whoa, is this new?
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>>2110202 From the looks of it I think it is new or at least somewhat new
Os the dub just releasing the first 2 episodes next month or the whole first season? I don't think they should draw out a two going on 3 year old anime for too long and just give it to us quickly
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>>2110231 I think it's going to be the whole first season on October 31st I don't think they're doing early preview episodes this time.
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The main two points that will determine if the dub will be good or not is Mio and Chisato's voices. Mio because she's the main girl and the one we will be hearing the most so if her's isn't good people will be less likely to consider. Chisato because she is the one people are most hype to see. Those two should he given the best women to do their voices. I hope that with the dub release comes some word on when vol.11 comes out. Maybe if we're lucky it comes out on Nov.1 right after the dub is released.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2110005 Yeah I have both of the comiket books. However I gotta find extra copies and find the time to scan them.
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>>2111163 Does the books contain anything we haven't seen already? Does it have anything new in it? Has there been any word yet of it the final volume might be coming out in November?
>>2111163 can you post at least one Chisato pic that we have not seen before please.
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>>2111579 The question first would be if the artbook has any pics we haven't seen yet
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Any news on volume 11? We should start to get info on the November releases soon.
I hated the Shinmai anime. The animation was pretty mediocre. I mean why are the girls with big boobs having such small areolas? The bigger the boobs the larger the areola should be. In Ookuma's work he drew the girls with bigger boobs with bigger areolas to accommodate that. Without it the breasts just look dumb
>>2111887 Even doujin authors understand this
>>2111888 Damn i really wish that doujin artist would make another shinmai doujin already featuring yuki
>>2111887 Because big areoles aren't attractive. Even women know that and try look for ways to make them smaller.
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>>2112217 But small weird dot looking ones are better? I'm not saying they are to be giant just fit the breast better
IMS tries to get away with nipples like this
When compared to the areola slips in Ookuma's work pales in comparison to how their breasts should look. It also looks more realistic
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>>2112247 Yeah the Shinmai anime had shit quality animation. It can be compared to low budget hentai. My least favorite thing about the anime is how firm they made the girls' breasts. I almost feel like if you touch them they'd feel like a pair of balloons, uncomfortable and hard to grasp in your hand. None of their breasts looked soft or natural (Mio, Chisato, and Zest all look like their breasts are full of silicon). Demon announcer girl was the only woman with a decent animated pair of tits. Why do people want more ecchi when the ecchi is shit. Ookuma is probably so disappointed in how they animated his art. Some of the fight scene are animated really well though.
>>2112249 I remember this work. I always felt like the way Ookuma did this character she looked like a alt. version of Chisato
>>2112251 Especially in this pic
>>2112249 >>2112251 >>2112252 what work is this from again what is the name of this series? is there anymore, cause i am interested.
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>>2112257 I think it's Ookuma making fanart of a character who I believe is named Minato Subaru or something like that. He makes her look just as hot as Chisato
>>2112247 DUDES i swear to god Chisato looks like Misty from "trails of cold steel". I wonder if Ookuma ever played that game?
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>>2112330 Her attire was def based on the hot nurse from Shion. Her character was almost completely taken from this nurse as well.
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>>2112567 I get the feeling they may just be sketches of the anime character designs. I don't think we should expect too much
No release date for November. Brace for vol 11 in 2018.
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>>2112730 I figured as much
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>skipping chisato reeeeee
>>2112884 Knowing the author I wouldn't be surprised if it's fall 2018. I understand wanting fans to wait and trying to produce the best story yet but at the same time one year between volumes us a bit long. Considering between December 2015 until now we've only gotten 1 volume you'd think he'd create more side stories with the girls to keep viewers still invested. So many people have probably moved on because these breaks between volumes have been so long. Fatigue from fans will hurt sales and if the volume doesn't live up to the hype fans will be twice as disappointed after waiting for so long. Like imagine if Chisato doesn't have sex in the last volume. How upset fans will be.
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>>2112903 Damn that sucks, I thought it would come out sooner because isnt this the final volume you would think he would have the ending all set and done.
>>2112903 >Like imagine if Chisato doesn't have sex in the last volume. How upset fans will be. Delusional Chisatofag.
>>2112932 Lol people these days are dumb af. How can you be a fag for a woman? That's fucking stupid. I swear people just make shit up and think it means something when it's actually just stupid. You're a fucking idiot. Chisato is ugly af though.
>>2112944 Go back to wherever it is you came from
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>>2112945 Butthurt little bitch
I propose setting up an exclusive discord server for donators and fans. It will make it easier to communicate as well as to keep out "undesirables", people who don't know how to behave at all.
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>>2112944 Chisato ain't ugly but Mio is best girl
>>2112947 But that would separate potential donators. If some people hear good info about the series they'll be more likely to donate
>>2112949 Fans are welcome of course. Donators in turn will have access to locked chatrooms for discussing the translation progress and funding for the projects.
>>2112950 I like that idea more than hearing people call the girls ugly or people calling each others fags for liking certain things.
>>2112953 i know right. I'm tired of hearing who is best girl, This is a harem series which to me all the girls are the BEST. i want to discuss about the series in general like when are we going to see basara mom or any official news from series and how sales doing.
>>2113253 Sales are bleak. It's doing well enough to justify a few more volumes, but not well enough to warrant future anime, or manga adaptions. The author doing fuck all with the story for almost 2 years had a notable effect on the fanbase.
The trend with LNs that I've observed is the following.
LN starts, regardless of whether it's doing well or not it may be promoted ahead of other titles (Some LNs are adapted simply to fill a timeslot and push merch sales.).
LN receives a manga adaption, then comes the anime adaption. If the anime fails in sales and in promoting the source, it is not uncommon for the source to be cancelled, or cut short.
If the anime/manga manage to pull their weight and brind in new readers the LN continues as normally with better chances of a sequel. There are three main factors that detirmine if a successful anime adaption will get a sequel. 1 is sales, if the first season flopped then it won't be renewed for a second one (split seasons do not count). 2 is popularity, if too much time has passed since the previous adaption people are more likely to have forgotten about it, or moved on. 3 is the source and how much material it has left to be adapted, if there isn't enough material for S2 there won't be one, simple.
Shinmai Maou belongs to the latter group. Its manga and anime sales were decent, but there isn't a whole lot of content left to adapt and the long break in between each volume is hurting its popularity.
Sales have more than halved
http://www.fandompost.com/2017/02/16/japans-weekly-manga-light-novel-rankings-for-february-12th-2017/ Anonymous
the first 2 episodes of season 1 are out for English dub
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>>2112257 Full Metal Daemon Muramasa
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>>2113718 i hate lars voice actor and Basara could have been better.
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>>2113643 In hindsight the author should've seen the loss in popularity coming after waiting do long between volumes. At the same time series like HxH fail because of over saturation (and a pretty bland and forgettable story).
>>2113718 Holy Shit the dub is atrocious. The moans sound like I'm watching cheap hentai dub. This was bad.
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>>2113799 Omg same here. Did they use the same voice actors who worked on english dub hentai from the early 2000's?
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>>2113643 The LN would do better if there was an anime, side story, or manga that would keep people interested between volumes. The series is dead silent until the LN comes out which cripples sales, especially when it can take years until it's release.
>>2113718 Are they releasing 2 episodes a week for the dub or was this just early releases of the first 2 episodes?
>>2114000 Mio's VA was bad now let's see how Chisato's VA sounds like. I hope she's at least good.
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>>2114001 this series is dead i feel completely destroyed. the only way it can redeem itself is if they reboot it and do a hentai ova, cause we all know the voice actors ain't going to do it so we need a reboot.
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>>2114000 The rest will be out on October 31st.
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>>2113799 It's because the dub is actually made by crunchyroll probably before their partnership with funimation, I bet funi wanted to remake it hence the over a year delay from original release date but they didn't have time and instead of delaying it further they just released crunchy's dub.
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where the pics at? whenever i open the thread when i see new posts i get disappointed
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2112947 I could do that since I was planning on doing updates to the website anyways.
In my opinion the dub isn't all that bad. Mio's VA is kinda garbage and Basara sounds like a tool sometimes. At the very least, it opens the series up to new people. Best thing about the dub is it puts to bed the widely held belief due to mistranslations in the early volumes and wiki headcanon that Chisato and Raphaeline are angels when they are really gods.
volume 11 is coming out november 1
>>2114200 Yo for real dawg, damn thats whats up! Do you know when we will get a cover?
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>>2114200 Masou Gakuen Vol 12 will be released on the same day. Maybe it will have the MC crossing the line with the girls too. It will be a week full of lewdness.
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>>2114209 Post like a regular human being, you aren't on fucking facebook
>>2114209 Why is this nigger still here?
>>2114215 Really you're gonna use the N word? That's fucking pathetic. Insult him and his comment all you want but keep your racist bullshit out of here.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2114209 The cover should probably be out around mid October. It's going to be interesting to see how everything ends.
The preview mentions the pledge of the 5, Chisato probably won't get the BLADE in this volume. You'll have to wait until the SS for that. Lolibros might also get shafted. I don't think sneakerbunko is ballsy enough to allow one of their publications to have a literal 12y old getting railed. But the author clearly wants to. I can post the afterword in jap. As for translations, use google trans. I'm not wasting my efforts here.
あとがき 既に本編をお読みの方も、これから読まれようとしている方も、本書を手に取っていただきましてありがとうございます。上栖綴人です。 前巻のあとがきで「次は新妹シリーズ史上、最も壮大なスケールになり、少しお時間をいただく事になりそう」というお話をしていましたが、実は当初の予定ではこの一○巻で本編を完結させる予定でした。ところが、プロットの段階で既に一冊程の分量になってしまいまして……流石に一冊に収めるには長すぎるため、構成の調整を行ないました。 それでは、本巻の内容について少し。思い返せば初代の担当さんから、「最終巻で刃更と澪が結ばれる」という構想をいただいて、とうとうこの巻でそのシーンを描く事ができました。昨今は簡単に主人公とヒロインが一線を越える作品が結構ある中、ある意味では硬派を貫いてきた刃更と澪達もようやくという感じで、作者としても感無量です。 ただシリーズを進めていくと、他のヒロイン達の事も好きになってくれている読者さんの声も多くあり……どうにか彼女たち全員が刃更と結ばれる展開にしつつ、新妹シリーズのラストを飾る大きな舞台を作れないかと模索した結果、今回の東京タワーを中心にした巨大な『五行』の結界というアイディアへと辿り着きました。澪たちヒロインは五人だし、既に作中に出していた『四神』も『五行』に割り振られているし、正にこのシリーズに相応しいのではないかと。そして、次の一一巻が『新妹魔王』シリーズの本編最終巻になる予定です。実はもうラストのシーンは書き終わってまして……後は力を得た刃更達の反撃と、当然ながら斯波も何もしない訳もなく、最後の激突が繰り広げられる事になります。 当然、冒頭は引き続き万理亜たちと結ばれている所から始まりますのでお楽しみに! ──では、本作の関係者の皆様に謝辞を。ニトロプラスの大熊さん、今回も超迫力のイラストの数々をありがとうございました! カバーのダークな感じから、澪と結ばれている所まで最高でした。そしてみやこ先生、コミック版の連載も同時期に刃更と澪が結ばれるという事で、シンクロニシティに驚いています! 木曽先生は、『新妹・嵐!』の連載終了お疲れ様でした&ありがとうございました。次回作も私的には楽しみにしています! アニメの方も二期のソフトが最終巻まで発売されました。スタッフの皆さん、ありがとうございました! あと今回も担当さんや関係各所には進行で多大なご迷惑を……本当にすみません。そして──書店さんと本書を購入して下さった皆さんには最大級の感謝を。 では、次の一一巻もどうぞよろしくお願いします!
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2114268 Maria has to have sex since Basara needs to absorb her wood element before absorbing Kurumi's water.
Shiba is obviously has one more trick up his sleeve outside of using the 4 elements and reviving Kouryu. So the potential for a Chisato sex scene is still there for plot reasons.
>>2114271 I'm not saying that he'll drop their contracts, I'm saying that he'll drop their scenes. Or rather than making individual scenes for all girls, he flash forwards and then has one big orgy at the end.
That seems like the safest choice for the author.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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Nomi did me a solid and translated the volume 11 synopsis Volume 11 synopsis>Everything is for this moment. Finally, rushing into the final Phase! Having a five way affinity, tying their contract into the very end, Basara’s group face Shiba in a fight once more. However, Shiba who awaits them calls upon a new being different from the four gods and the Golden dragon — the conclusion of Basara who’s looking ahead to the future is?!
>>2114269 did he also just mention about anime staff and how it was falling apart? is that why we haven't been getting any new ova/promo's for this series?
>>2114269 I'm sorry I don't speak imperialism.
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>>2114352 You don't speak English more like
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>>2114272 I think it might happen like that. We must remember at the end of the day Shinmai isn't a hentai light novel. I think Mio's sex scene might've been a way to give fans what they wanted because vol.11 might not fully deliver on the sex. When you have 4 more girls left there's only so much you can show before it starts to feel like hentai. He might do some skipping in order to prevent that.
>>2114319 I don't know if we'll ever get a new season or ova. I think it's best we give up on that for now. With volumes 8-10 being so graphic on the lewd side I don't think you'll be happy with how the anime adapts it anyway based on the last 2 seasons.
>>2113799 The problem is that mega weeabs and sensitive little twats are pushing funimation into a corner trying to force them to make dubs with word for word translations and taking out any "American words" by acting all offended over single words in their scripts. when dubs are made that way they are always bad because it sounds like the actors are just emotionlessly reading off a piece of paper, so were getting shit quality dubs because some cunts are all triggered.
>>2114808 Shut the fuck up. The trash that funimation pulls, like inserting their bullshit SJW ideologies into shows about tits is indefensible.
A few artistic liberties to improve the experience, while still being true to the tone and context of the source is fine.
But saying "LOL HE'S LITERALLY DONALD TRUMP" when the source says "he's pretty mean" is unproffessional and better suited for fan translations than a paid product.
>>2114838 Honestly they do that to mess with sensitive people who whine to push them out kinda like a eliminate the undesirables type deal which the easily offended shouldn't be anywhere near anime in the first place if people didn't cry over stupid shit and demand changes because they were triggered and just ignored it would have died out but nope. I also don't see why it's only bad when funimation does it Sentai inserts homophobia and idealologies that rape is positive in thier products.
>>2114858 Sentai never did that
>>2114838 Yeah I hate that they do that. They change everything to fit the tone they want to go with in the story. Like they don't feel comfortable with the thought of incest so the have Mio moan Basara instead of brother. The voice actors sound so bland during lewd scenes like they are uncomfortable and just reading from a script.
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>>2114860 Miria Holic the boy was called a queer multiple times which was not in the sub, demon king: dinamo "are you gay" "no" "then why is your face turning that shade of fag." Also never in the sub. Need I remind you about mardok scramble the anime they used the fact that women got raped and killed to advertise it as a "good" anime and as what encuraged them to dub that anime.
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>>2114884 She called him big brother in the dub in fact in both the sub and dub she switches between using both basara and big brother. The reason they sound bland and like they are reading from a script is because it's a bland word for word translation weeabs have such a hard time understanding that.
>>2114931 >>2114932 >>2114934 >>2114935 My god this is great. Ookuma is the man at drawing sexy woman
>>2114934 Is there a doujin of this girl by any chance?
>>2115055 I don't know. I hope Ookuma makes one of her one day just like I hope he makes one for Chisato and Mio
>>2114931 Man this image is too hot for words
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2115055 That's from the VN Full Metal Daemon Murasama.
>>2115065 I think he was asking has Ookuma done any doujins with her outside just drawings of her. I hope draws a full doujin of her and the shinmai girls one day.
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>>2114935 >>2115041 Souko Akki Muramasa. She has a game.
>>2115060 >>2115067 So does ookuma actually draw doujins when he has free time?
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>>2115060 Does a version of this picture exist without the blue text?
>>2115091 Not in recent years. He has been working full time. Some time ago he collaborated with namaniku as the doujin group pandaniku
>>2115101 Thanks, im going to do a little research.
>>2115105 There's nothing to research on.
Ookuma draws under his real name, Namanuki Atk doesn't. The latter makes more porn, while Ookuma has become a full time LN and visual promotions contractor for Nitro+.
>>2115060 Is that art drawn by the LN illustrator?
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>>2115133 No, obviously it isn't.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2115107 Ookuma needs to just make an enty or a patreon. He would probably make enough money to whale the hell out of Fate Grand Order.
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>>2115062 her head is huge in this one
>>2115214 Oh god I wish he did. Getting paid to do Shinmai drawings might allow him to draw more of the girls on a regular basis.
>>2115214 >>2115265 It's not his IP. He is not at liberty to make doujin works of a novel he's contracted to work on until that doujin expires, or the IP holder which is either Kadokawa, or Uesu Tetsuto grants their permission.
>>2115697 hasn't stopped anyone making doujinshi before
or do you somehow believe those millions of Naruto or Touhou doujinshi have the blessing of the rights holders?!
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>>2115703 The rights holders are not going to sit idly by when the formally contracted illustrators makes money off their IP without them getting a cut of the cake.
Ookuma is a contractor, he works for Nitroplus, not sneaker bunko. His hands are very much tied.
>>2115697 >or Uesu Tetsuto grants their permission. Not enough. Takeda Hiromitsu got in trouble for doing a single page in a Maken-Ki! doujinshi a few years back, and he's well you know, the creator of the series. Anyways if Uesu gave him permission I doubt he wouldn't want to just write it himself, and at that point why not just make money off it from a sidestory, kind of like he said he had plans for post ending.
>>2115703 That's not how his contract work. If you're tied to the series, it's completely on the publisher. The whole recent KF / kadokawa shitstorm showcases how much more power the publishers have over the "content creators".
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>>2115780 Do you still think he'll do side stories? Considering the amount of time between volumes has lowered interest from people I'm not seeing much money being made from side stories anymore.
Am I the only one that wishes the team behind seikon no qwaser and Manyuu worked on Shinmai? The art would've been better. The boobs would've looked bigger and so much more sexier. Also I feel like they would've shown more than what IMS was willing to show from the LN.
>>2116228 100%.
Shinmai had some great moments, but for the most part the characters looked stiff and fairly unappealing considering the source material.
It desperately needed the soft, smoothly animated jiggliness that Hoods brings to their ecchi. Nobody does anime tiddies better than them.
>>2116231 Anybody know how long IMS still holds shinmai contract? How long must we wait until we get new content?
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>>2116258 I wouldn't hold my breath for new content.
Both manga series have ended, and the LN is about to end.
Unfortunately, I suspect the last LN will mean the end of Shinmai, at least for the foreseeable future.
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>>2116231 Especially since if you look at the illustrations and how the lewd scenes are written the girls have bigger and softer boobs than how the anime is portrayed. Man Chisato's scenes would've been amazing if Hoods did the anime. Her tits would've been more on par with her LN design if they did it.
I can't wait until we get the volume cover. I hope it's gonna be like the cover of the final manga volume with Mio and the others all with Basara on the cover. This time with Chisato with them
>>2117358 I didn't like the final cover of the manga. They forgot Kurumi exists
When do you think we will get the new cover?
>>2117603 Maybe sometime next week. I believe they usually release the cover around the middle of the month. So maybe around Friday of next week
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>>2115780 Can the manga artists write doujins since both of the manga is finished? I wouldn't mind a doujin from any of those two either. I wish there was a way to ask them.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2117650 Covers are usually released mid month so that sounds about right.
I'm glad it's coming out in November instead of next year. I hope the author git the ok to make the sex scenes really hot. If anything he was at least able to give Chisato a sex scene and make it really hot. She should do what Mio did in vol.7 and after all the girls are asleep from exhaustion she takes Basara somewhere private where it's just them two alone.
>>2118009 That would make sense. Chisato's scenes have always just been her and Basara. Even in vol.9 Nanao never got involved when Basara was touching Chisato. I can see one of them taking the other to another room where they finally has sex with her.
>>2118916 what did they do in vol.9?
>>2118954 The part where they are in the infirmary and they do some sexual acts first while Nanao just watches then when Basara makes Nanao pass out from climaxing. Basara and Chisato always are by themselves when they touch each other
>>2119022 I wish baka tsuki would get back to translation for shinmai.
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>>2119158 The scene isn't that long though so you aren't missing too much
>>2117448 Yo I never noticed she was missing. I was so focused on wondering why they forgot all about Chisato
>>2119950 Chisato is the best. Still wish we got some fanservice ova. Anybody know what the voice actors for shinmai are doing now, are they in any new fall anime series?
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>>2119955 I don't know what they are doing but I do know that IMS hasn't done anything for a while now. It's like they took a break after the Haifuri OVA back in June.
>>2114352 The only relevant line is
> 当然、冒頭は引き続き万理亜たちと結ばれている所から始まりますのでお楽しみに! Next volume starts where this one left off.
Basara screwing the remaining 4, starting with Maria.
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>>2120517 I'm honestly surprised that only Maria and Mio are on the cover for the last volume. I guess it does make sense though since they are the 3 that started this whole story
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2120517 Cover looks good. I'm glad Basara seems to be having fun, because that's something that's been missing in the series since volume 8. Judging off Amazon this final volume is going to be long as hell with 452 pages.
>>2120523 It has more of an SoL feel to it. Basara isn't usually looking this happy on a cover. Also this is like the first time he's been on a cover looking normal. He's even carrying Mio with a more relaxed expression than the Maria one on vol.8. This probably signifies the end of the battle and that they will get to live a normal life.
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>>2120517 Damn Mio is thicc here. Those thighs are amazing
>>2120526 Normal life would be the worst possible outcome financially though. Cutting off the hero association, or the Wilbert faction will cripple him financially.
He has a harem consisting of the main 5, Chisato, the vampire chick and the student council chick.
8 girls if you don't count Celis. You need a lot of money to support 8 wives and their children.
>>2120518 Damn so no chisato love is it all over?
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Wow I'm surprised they went with this cover. This is a really good cover and Mio looks really good here. I can't believe Kurumi, Zest, and Chisato all got only one cover with Basara and that Yuki was left out of the final cover. You would've thought if he was gonna use just 2 girls it would've been Mio and Yuki.
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>>2120528 Why would you count Celis?
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>>2120531 We still don't know for sure. It could just mean the story is continuing from where it left off. It doesn't reveal what will happen afterwards. There's still hope that she will have sex with him.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2120531 Shiba has literally been able to counter everything Basara has tried to use against him including Banyuusekiryoku (which is Basara's strongest ability and is UBW levels of broken). It won't surprise me if Shiba finds a way to counter the elemental affinity power up Basara is getting from Mio and everyone. Basara still hasn't been able to unlock the powers that he got through his contract with Chisato so there's still a chance for her to have sex for plot related reasons.
>>2120536 I can't see Basara fucking the other girls and leaving out Chisato who's there. She saved his life and showed them a way to make them all stronger. No way is he just gonna forget about her after he's done with Mio and the rest.
>>2120536 >>2120539 Banging Chisato might fuck up the ceremony.
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>>2120540 Who said it had to be during the ceremony though? I could be afterwards
We'll probably have the preview by next week.
Does anyone know is Shinmai Maou posts chapter long previews like other LNs? I've only seen promo pics from Shinmai, never the actual chapter. Superior?
>>2120536 Anonymous
BRUH!!!! We better have a goodbye party on this thread when the final volume comes out i am gonna miss all of you guys, i will always remember the good times and bad.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2120544 I'm not sure if retailers have ever been allowed to do a chapter long preview of shinmai. At the very least, a blog might be able to post an early review like with what happened with the final volume of the comic walker manga.
>>2120550 The good and the bad times have been fun. I'm excited to see how it ends. Hopefully everyone gets a good ending and no question is left unanswered.
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>>2120569 Yeah places like Akiba Blog is the only place that I can think of that gives good previews but that's the day when the volume comes out, which is sometimes a day before it comes out.
>>2120569 also thanks to you ChisatoBestCake for help keeping this series alive.
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>>2120517 Least favorite cover. I was hoping it would be more badass like Vol.10 cover because it's the final one in the series.
>>2120518 oh boy
>>2120528 Chisato has like infinite money
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>>2120591 With all that money I wonder why she's a school nurse.
>>2120569 >early review That was geek akiba posting pics on the day it was released. I am talking about how dengeki posts a full chapter 1-2 weeks ahead of release.
Hundred did it too, but I can't remember which label Hundred belongs to.
Bookwalker will post a chapter preview once it goes on sale, that goes without saying. But by then I will have the book as well.
I just really want the other sex scenes as fast as possible.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2120577 It's amazing what fake news and mistranslations can cause a person to do lol. Everyone else who has helped out I tip my hat to you.
>>2120617 I'm not sure if SneakerBunko does early previews. Does anyone that follow other SneakerBunko series like Konosuba remember them releasing an early preview?
>>2120659 Man does anyone know Japanese so we can ask for more Shinmai doujins?
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>>2120663 Use google translate and test your luck
No luck. Looks like Kadokawa does their own previews on their proprietary e-bookplatform, Bookwalker. Bookwalker is owned by Kadokawa.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2120701 I know when products go live on bookwalker you're able to preview them, but at that point many of us will already be posting the illustrations. I'm really excited for the 452 pages worth of content.
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>>2120711 I wonder how many pages will go to the sex scenes and how many will go to the fight against Shiba. I wonder if they'll be only one fight with Shiba. I can't see Basara getting his ass handed to him twice by Shiba.
>>2120711 It's 452 pocket book pages of content. Vol 10 was 388 for comparison.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2120724 That's still long by LN standards.
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>>2121004 Not really. Common LNs are between 300-500 pages. The real behemoths, like Horizon, DenYuuDen, MaoYuu, Rokka no Yuusha, Shiro Koukoku etc all have 1000+
>>2120517 When's this coming out?
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Is there a DDL to all of Arashi ? Are any of the licensed rips available?
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>>2121780 also the English dub/bonus pre-oreder will be available
>>2122153 Where'd you find this
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>>2122153 Man I'm not feeling the artwork here. Mio's looked so much better. Yuki looks alright but the other two look like crap
>>2122153 Who gives a fuck about these 3 where the hell is Chisato. No one cares about the leftover easily forgettable harem girls.
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>>2122227 Maybe behind that picture there is chisato,mio,and maria.
>>2122153 Kind of a weak picture if you ask me. The Mio one had more impact because it was something we never thought we'd see. Here if feels like it's here's the rest of the girls. To make them look more like extras Basara isn't even in the shot with them like with Mio. I was hoping for something a bit better than a illustration of the other girls mimicking Mio's vol.10 one. I wanted something more creative than this. I mean each girl should've gotten their own illustration with Basara. This makes Mio seem more important than all of the other girls (though I do believe she may be the authors favorite).
>>2122153 Besides the breasts the image doesn't really wow me. I'm kinda meh about it honestly. We knew he was gonna bang these girls so I was hoping a preview of something we didn't know.
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>>2122252 but that's the best part
>>2122153 Much better than Mio's pic in Vol.10. Surprise Maria is not in it.
>>2122360 You mean much. Mio's looked much better and felt much mote erotic than this one. Lame if you ask me
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>>2122153 Zest's skin tone does not mash well with her surroundings. She does not blend in well with the image at all. Also her skin tone has to be the most inconsistent thing in this entire series. The shade of her brown skin jumps from lighter to darker everytime she gets a new color illustration. Does Japan just not know how to consistently shade in a person of dark skin?
>>2122360 I don't know if it's because it's smaller and I can barely see it too well but it looks like Mio's had way more detail in it. This one is ok but he tried to add in so much I think the quality of the image dropped big-time. Also just looking at it you can spot a few anatomy problems. Like Zest and Yuki have torsos must be extremely long and there bodies are bent in unrealistic ways that looks like their lower half was cropped onto them. Looking at Kurumi's knees I see Ookuma still has the same problem with drawing knees right when the girls are sitting/laying down with their legs out.
It's an alright illustration but far from as polished as the other colored ones he's done before. Also Maria was with Mio so that's why she isn't in this one.
>>2122393 I see nothing wrong with their designs and I don't see any so call "anatomy" problem. Both Yuki and Kurumi's bodies both look normal and the way I see it they're not bent in unrealistic way. Yuki's position looks normal and Kurumi looks relax and I see nothing wrong with her knees. Zest looks good as well but my only problem with her is the way she has her legs up. Don't see why they need to draw her legs up. They should've draw her the same position as Yuki in my opinion. And yes I know Maria was in the other pic with Mio but Maria doesn't get her sex scene until in Vol.11. That's why I said I was surprised that she doesn't have her own sexy color illustration in this volume because I think she's the second girl Basara will have sex before Kurumi, Yuki, and Zest.
>>2122383 Yuki looks better than Mio to me. And her impression looks and feels more natural and passion than Mio's in my opinion. Mio's pic in Vol.10 was meh to me and she just doesn't do it for me at all.
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>>2122403 Lol look at their bodies compared to their legs and say that again. Are you blind or something? Their bodies are fucked
>>2122249 Of course its a weak image. Its with the three leftovers instead of with Chisato. I like Yuki but the other two do nothing for anyone. Mio and Chisato have better bodies than Zest and Kurumi is an even younger twice as annoying version of her much hotter older sister. I'd rather it have just been Yuki but the series shit on her so hard already. Seriously its like the author forgot Yuki was the second harem girl. She should have gotten her own image similar to Mio instead of a zoomed out group shot with these two. Hell she is not even in the middle here
>>2122407 1. You have shot taste. Yuki doesn't even come close to looking as sexy as Mio.
2. Both Yuki's and Zest's mid section have to be long for their to be how they are.
>>2122153 I like it. Zest looks more sexy than her other illustrations. Black and yellow really looks good on her. Since the final novel is longer I hope each girl's sex scene has some good amount of pages and detail. Plus, I hope that final battle is better than the tournament back in volume 7.
>>2122611 Yuki is more appealing than Mio, in my opinion. Plus, I find Yuki more sexy than Mio. Yuki has a great ass and her breast is prefect and not as huge as Mio and Chisato. Yuki has the best the body to me. I like ass way more than breast, so I find Mio nothing special.
Am I the only one a little disturbed at an image promoting the sex of Kurumi, who is only like 13. Hentai and other manga have made 16 basically the standard age for sex and many teens have sex at 16 so I'm not that weirded out by the others but seriously I accept it's gonna happen but I don't want to see illustrations of a kid who'll lose her virginity at 13 and might get creampied too. It's a bit weird for me.
>>2122626 How can you calls like ass here man. And no her illustration with Mio in vol.8 or her ones in 5 are way hotter than this shit one
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>>2122646 How can you like Yuki's ass here man*
>>2122646 I disagree. Zest looks more sexy in the new illustration, her other illustrations are good but the new one better.
>>2122642 In Japan the age of consent is thirteen.
I'm impressed with how Funimation is promoting the series
>>2122637 Lol you said you don't find Mio or Chisato special because their boobs are too big yet you call Zest sexy when they are about the same size. Breasts bigger called too big is a sentence no true man should ever say.
>>2122654 You mean to tell me this shit is better? She lost her sexy mature look and looks like some otaku submissive waifu. While Zest is a maid she should've be posing and acting like Yuki or Mio. Add that to the meh drawing and you'll realize that illustration isn't that good
>>2122659 Hence why I, and American, said I was creeped out by it. Not once did I mention Japan's views on the subject. Just because they are cool with something doesn't mean I have to be. Not to sound xenophobic but I find that to be kind of a gross law. To know that a 50 year old can legally have sex with a 13 year old is not something I want to think about.
>>2122668 That's your opinion. Zest hasn't lost her sexy mature look to me. I like her in the new illustration.
>>2122665 I prefer ass over boobs. I like big ass than big boobs.
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>>2122675 She looks like she's trying so hard to appear as young and cute as Yuki does. When a older woman poses like this it's so unappealing
>>2122676 Chisato has a bigger ass than Yuki though
>>2122674 Even though in Japan the age of consent is thirteen but there's also a the law in Japan that forbids grown people to have sex when children under the age of eighteen. So no in Japan a fifty year old can't have sex with a thirteen year old. If you're so creeped out about this than why are you even reading this? Kurumi and Basara are two years apart.
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>>2122675 Yuki is the only person that makes the illustration work for me. I like it but not as much as Mio's. Since I'm a huge Yuki fan if it was just with her I would've liked it so much more
>>2122681 Eat a dick faggot
>>2122642 This is a novel, and as with most Japanese images, the girls never look their age. I never think of the girls as being the age they are said to be. 13 or 15, you should be grossed out. Just take you pdf, whatever and replace their ages with control F, 13 and sub for 18 or something. They all look 18 at youngest anyway.
And as someone said age of consent in Japan is 13, but I'm sure just like in the U.S. they have some sort of Romeo/Juliet rule where the other person has to be around that age as well. So no, there is not some 50 year old dude banging a 13 year old, but a 13-16 year old dude banging a 13 year old.
>>2122684 Sounds to me that you're a little buthurt because you're creeped about two teenagers about to have sex in the final novel.
>>2122681 So I'm not allowed to have my own opinion then? And if you don't like what I have to say just ignore then. Why are you so offended vy my opinion?
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>>2122686 Umm me and that guy aren't even the same person idiot. Or should I call you pedo?
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>>2122685 Lol none of the girls look 18.
Also if Yuki is 16 doesn't that mean Basara is 16 too? Also he spent a year with Chisato so he is no longer 15 anyway
>>2122687 Of course you're allowed to have an opinion. I'm just curious of why you feel offended about two teenagers having sex?
>>2122690 Who said I didn't like 2 teens having sex? I just said I wasn't a fan of Kurumi being so young and having sex. I accept it put am not a big fan. Never once have did I mention anyone else. You can like a series and dislike some things in it
>>2122699 But you acting like it's a 25+ year fucking a 13 year old when it's only a 17 year old
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>>2122715 It didn't matter the other persons age its her age that bothers me. I just don't want to see that. It's literally the one thing I dislike about the series. Why you giving me the third degree for it?
>>2122715 I think Basara is still 15?
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>>2122664 Wait, this is from funimation? Link, source please
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>>2122719 But him and Yuki are in the same class and she's 16.
>>2122719 He turned 16 then spent a year doing sexy stuff with chisato
>>2122642 >I accept it's gonna happen but I don't want to see illustrations of a kid who'll lose her virginity at 13 and might get creampied too. It's a bit weird for me. You don't but I do. And since I am buying and you're not, you can fuck right off.
>chisatonigga poster is shitposting again LMAO if by some miracle Chisatonigga gets scene I am going to completely ignore it. Don't worry though, I'll post the kurumi scene in the most explicit detail. Every nasty creampie and sloppy blow job.
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>>2122787 They spent one year in a magical barrier, which time flows differently.
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>>2122803 Fuck you bitch I've bought every volume so far too so eat a dick.
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>>2122803 No need to be a butthurt fag just because someone dislikes something you like gtfo bitch. I hate when I try to be civil and there's always some asshole trying to act like their a smartass but just end up saying something stupid
>>2122803 Lol some great logic there pal. So by your logic only those people who bought a movie ticket have the right to critic a movie not those who watch it online or on tv. You my friend are a true genius aren't you.
>>2122803 Man won't the joke be on you if it's not explicit.
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>>2122808 Damn dude you need help. It's one thing to give spoilers to people and another to sound like some perverted creep.
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>>2122808 Uh......good for you I guess. I guess if writing graphic summaries is your kink go for it
With every passing day I'm getting more and more worried that the sex scenes will be extremely brief. Like the scenes will be condensed and just briefly talked about. I'm hoping that with 400+ pages Chisato will at least get a sex scene too.
>>2122917 I'm think Chisato will get her sex scene at the end of the story. I think when Basara finally defeats Shiba once and for all Basara will go to Chisato's apartment and thank her for all her help and then they will have sex. If not then maybe the author will make a side-story LN that will have Basara having sex with Chisato.
>>2122927 While I would buy it I'm not sure a Chisato sex only LN would sell at all and would come across as nothing more than a cash grab. It would also feel weird to have to wait months for something that should be in this volume. By then many people would've moved on and would no longer cared for that.
>>2122927 Another problem is that by then there wouldn't be a reason for them to have sex since by then Shiba would've already been beaten. Now if they have sex in vol.11 and the side story is them going on a date and having sex afterwards that would be a different story. If the sex was already established beforehand then instead of looking like a side story cash grab for people to read Chisato losing her virginity it instead becomes a side story of Basara and Chisato going out on a date and being more intimate with each other without having to worry about any upcoming danger to worry about
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>>2122939 Maybe but I think that's the author's fault. There was a whole year gap between volume 9 and volume 10 and I think most of the Shinmai fans probably don't care about the series anymore because of the one year delay. I read somewhere that volume 10 didn't sell that much as the previous LN's.
>>2122943 Who says that Basara needs to have sex with Chisato in order to defeat Shiba?
>>2122946 I'm not saying he does but what would they be having their sex scene for if not the final volume? It doesn't have to be before the fight with Shiba. Leaving it for a side story would be cheap and just an attempt to get people to buy it. I don't think there's ever been a light novel that's had a character lose their virginity in a side story, especially after the main story is done.
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>>2122946 It's like when a game tries to make you pat for dlc content that should've already been in the game. You just can't help but think that it should've just been in the game in the first place.
>>2122956 Who knows it's just some speculating. Don't know if the author will do it that nor not.
>>2122958 Yeah for now I'm just gonna keep my fingers cross that not only does Chisato have sex with Basara but that Yuki and the rest have pretty lengthy and well detailed sex with him too.
>>2122962 I'm hoping for that as well. But I'm more curious about Jin and his quest search for one of Basara's mother. I'm curious to see how the author is going to end Jin's little arc in the final volume.
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>>2122964 If there's one character I'd love to see a spin-off/side story of is Jin. Learning more about his past and his relationship with Basara's mothers would be great to see.
>>2122881 >Man won't the joke be on you if it's not explicit. That's okay, when Yuki is not being an anal whore she's a good replacement. I don't expect a drawn color page, or a BW page of Kurumi getting drilled. It'd be more logical for Yuki to get one.
>>2122999 Get the hell out of here Yuki ain't no whore or a replacement for her more annoying less attractive sister
>>2123009 Someone hasn't read Yuki's scene in vol 9
Kurumi strikes me as the kind of girl that will want to get pregnant to get a head start on the competition. Didn't she use her fairies to create magic induced dreams where she dated Basara and had a normal relationship with him, then settled down and started a family? She's by far the most family-oriented girl.
Resized and denoised picture of the dustjacket posted further up above. You can see a little more detail here, there is minor loss of quality.
>>2122999 Lol Yuki getting an explicit sex scene? What series are you reading? If didn't know by now that Yuki always gets shafted in lewd scenes you are a loss cause.
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>>2123010 >>2123012 Yo who is this fag?
>>2123017 Yuki gets anally fisted in vol 9 by her little sister as she's sucking Basara dry. How much more explicit do you want it, fampai?
>>2123016 That's what I've been saying. The quality of the work dropped in this illustration because he was going for too much in one image. That's why I think it's one of the weakest ones yet. Not bad but far far from even being considered one of the best.
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>>2123019 What the fuck does "fampai" mean. Don't be calling me none of that otaku gay bullshit now.
>>2123012 Dude we get it you're the biggest (and only) Kurumi fag in this thread. No need to constantly get offended when people dislikes her. You literally started an argument with someone simply because he/she dislikes her service scenes. You do this every fucking thread man (I'm assuming you're the same person because that person said the same things you're saying now). That's petty as hell and if you can't handle differences in tastes maybe it's you who should leave.
>>2123020 There is a limited amount of color and BW pictures each volume. He can't give all of them individual color pictures and at the same time he probably doesn't want to exclude any of the main girls from getting color screentime in the final volume. If Maria isn't in the group picture she's probably in a solo BW picture, or the solo color picture.
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>>2123024 You guys keep forgetting Maria was with Mio in the previous one in vol.10.
>>2123023 >That's petty as hell and if you can't handle differences in tastes maybe it's you who should leave. We have some twat who types like he's from fucking facebook constantly trashing all other girls and singing Chisato's praises like some autistic baboon and I'm the problem here?
Motherfucker, you can ship Basara with Takigawa and post your erotic fanfictions for all I care. The moment you start going on like "yo yo mah nigguh" here you end up on my shitlist.
>The moment you start going on like "yo yo mah nigguh" here you end up on my shitlist. Is this line supposed to be racist? Are you making fun of how African Americans talk and writes? Also real mature using the n-word.
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>>2123026 No ones bashed any of the other girls to require you to he this pissed off. In the last few days there hasn't been any bashing of the girls besides small opinions of each girl that solely deals with a person's taste.
>>2123027 Talk and type like a fucking human being. You don't see me typing in my dialect, or cockney English because it's fucking retarded.
>>2123026 Ok calm down English Professor. I don't recall a rule on 4chan that says you have to type in a certain way that pleases all the people that read that comment.
>>2123030 Actually we do have one such rule.
>(example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?") Anonymous
>>2123029 So we just gonna bypass the only thing you caught from my post was the typing part and not the racist part. Glad to know where you stand in terms of racial acceptance
>>2123033 This isn't tumblr and 4chan's weaboo softcore porn board is hardly the place to discuss your racial sensitivities. You can be a fucking eskimo, or aborigini cannibal for all I care, just don't act like you're in the australian outback talking to skippy the bush kangaroo and I won't pester you.
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>>2123032 Ok that's good to know. Now please go through the whole thread and point out who's typing like this. Please.
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Well thanks guys there goes another Shinmai thread down the toilet because of random bullshit arguments.
>>2123037 The thread has been dead for months and reached bump limit over a hundred posts ago.
In case you haven't noticed, we've been on page 9 for a few days now.
>>2123038 I know. The thread is so dead we got some grammar Nazi arguing with people because he doesn't like the way they write. It's sad that we're at a point where just writing can piss people off and cause conflict. Sometimes I sit here ask myself if there's something wrong with people in this fandom. Remember when 4chan was about discussions about the series more than how someone writes within that discussion. Unless it's completely unreadable who cares. This isn't the shit I wanted to walk into this thread reading.
>>2122227 >>2122606 >calling Zest, Yuki and Kurumi leftovers >saying that no one cares about them, when it's clearly false fuck you and your Chisatrash
>>2123039 >Remember when 4chan was about discussions about the series more than how someone writes within that discussion. No, and I've been here for 10 years. We've had shit like
>Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? Getting made fun of for days on end and pic related. 4chan has always been filled with grammar nazis, if anything our grammar elitism contributes to keeping undesirables out.
>>2123040 Lol dude you calling REAL people retards and idiots for hating FICTIONAL characters. First of all get a life a second you're just a big hypocrite. Over heard of practice what your preach? Don't get pissed at people shitposting then go on to shitpost
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>>2123045 Responding in kind is perfectly normal.
>>2123044 Man you really are messed up in the head aren't you? Also stop acting like you're part of some collective group or something. You're the only mother fucker here bitching about shit no ones cares about. You're not doing anyone any favors. You're just talking out of your ass and looking stupid while doing so.
Now that we've established no one cares about this argument can someone tell me what happens to Celis during volume 10 please?
>>2123047 If I wanted to do you ingrates any favors I would be translating for you. My main objective in this thread is to make sure you're as uncomfortable as possible and that you suffer for crossing me.
>>2123049 She gets her shit stolen and gets relagated to the sidelines since late comers get no love.
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>>2123055 She's very good, but Chisato sort of forces her to the side as they fill the same niche.
>>2123049 Can someone please tell me what happens to Celis
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>>2123060 Really crappy artwork isn't much proof
>>2123016 Looks good to me. I don't see the loss of quality.
>>2123061 I believe she gets defeated in vol.10 by Shiba and taken. Something like that
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>>2123066 So Shiba takes her out then? Thanks for the info.
>>2123050 Nah no thanks we're fine continuing to donate to Nomi. Here work is really good
>>2123065 It's minor, the denoising causes the artefacts to get smoothed out instead, so in some parts you can see that the colors are smudged and blend together really badly. It gets worse if I use other settings and scale the pic a bit higher, like this.
You lose some detail mainly in Kurumi's face blushing, sweat drops and Yuki's socks.
>>2123065 The proportions of the girls are a little messed up. Also Zest and Yuki are contorted in really awkward positions.
>>2123069 Nomi could use a better editor and makes a lot of common second language eng speaker errors, but she's passable. Shinmai Maou is not prose, it's just smut. Tetsuto Uesu is not exactly a literary genius, some of his lines are downright cringy in both SMnT and Hagure Yuusha.
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>>2123072 Holy shit how many reposts of the same image do we need?
>>2123074 Yuki and Zest don't look awkward to me. The only thing that looks awkward is Zest lifting her legs up.
>>2123074 The chest and legs feel off, but this isn't a problem in this picture specifically. It's just Nekosuke's art style. Like here Kurumi's tighs and legs look severely atrophied.
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>>2123075 I wasn't starting a debate about how good Nomi or the author is. I simply said I'll take Nomi over you any day of the week and that is all. No hard feelings
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>>2123078 Or here. Mio's proportions are just ridiculous. I almost pitty the poor girl, with her short stature, massive breasts and stick legs.
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>>2123078 I see what you're trying to say. I disagree with Kurumi's pic in Vol.6. Her thigh and legs look fine to me.
>>2123077 In comparison to their bodies their legs are off. They are bent in a way that makes their bodies look longer or their legs weirdly cropped onto them.
Ookuma seems to have a problem drawing mid-sections of the girls laying down. Mio had the same problem where her belly button was placed way to high on her body
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>>2123084 I get what you're saying. Their bodies are drawn too long. Ookuma must've found it too difficult to draw them in that angle. All their torsos are far to long, especially when you realize that Yuki and Kurumi are pretty . It's not the quality that's wrong but the girls' bodies are a bit off.
>>2123084 It's not the bend, it's the length of the shins that is simply unnatural to bodies with these proportions and heights. The smaller chested girls and Mio before she became a bakunyu breeding cow have much better proportions. Thin, long shins don't go well with watermelon sized milk bags.
>>2123086 No it's the way they're bent. Really look at Yuki and Zest and you'll see something doesn't look right when looking at their legs and how it's attached to their bodies.
It's look he poorly superimposed their legs onto their bodies where they don't go well.
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>>2123089 How can it be the bend? Try keeping your knees close together and move your feet out to the sides as your knees stay in the same position.
It's as if they had spread their legs and tried to close them again without moving their feet.
>>2123090 I think it's just because Zest is posed in what might be the dumbest pose possible. It doesn't look comfortable and no person could hold that position without turning their bodies more than she is. Yuki and Kurumi have extremely long bodies in the image though. Just looking at the image here it would make one believe Kurumi is taller than both Zest and Yuki for how long her body and legs go. And since she isn't the image is expecting us to believe when Yuki and Zest stretch their legs out they are longer than she is.
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>>2123096 That's the biggest problem with this and Mio's image. It makes the girls look super tall when they are really are pretty short
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>>2123086 GODDAMN LOOK AT THOSE THIGHS!!! i cant for Yuki sex scene
>>2123086 The hell is up with Yuki's legs. It's bending above her knee
>>2123114 Thighs are curved and her armor bulges a bit.
Her legs are fine.
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>>2123115 No they are a bit messed up. They are too think or too curved at the top.
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Anyone who has more experience than me at working on DRM solutions?
I am trying to access files that are most likely on bookwalker's servers, but haven't been published yet. I'm talking about the preview for vol 11.
I've noticed that bookwalker accesses an xhtml files and loads content from it piece by piece. They use a session ID that is universal to every other book you preview. So if I open vol 10 then the same session ID will be usable with vol 4 and I can just replace the string of letters and numbers that is the unique ID of the book in the URL and IN THEORY I should be able to access the file.
But this is not the case
If I go to vol 10 which has a de3a171daa-9bf1-46d6-b337-a224601a48a7 book ID and a 3a171daa-9bf1-46d6-b337-a224601a48a7 collection/viewer ID and open the viewer the resulting URL is
https://viewer-trial.bookwalker.jp/03/viewer.html?cid=3a171daa-9bf1-46d6-b337-a224601a48a7&cty=0 and when I replace 3a171daa-9bf1-46d6-b337-a224601a48a7 with 5c1b314f-3410-4ffc-af8a-ba1dccd0d304 which is the ID for vol 1 I get vol 1 instead. Now comes the problem. When I choose to inspect element and open the image separately I get the image on the URL
https://viewer-epubs-trial.bookwalker.jp/3_normal/3a171daa-9bf1-46d6-b337-a224601a48a7/1/SVGA/normal_default/item/xhtml/p-caution.xhtml/0.jpeg?pfCd=03&Policy=<insert long ass string>
Remember that the Policy/session ID is the same for every book I open for a set duration of time. Now when I replace 3a171daa-9bf1-46d6-b337-a224601a48a7 with fa77367a-ba82-4064-b9d4-04f0cd80965a (ID for vol 9 which has identical folder structure and file names) it returns an error, I get HTTP 403 Forbidden. What am I doing wrong? The session ID is right, the collection ID is right and the folder structure and filenames are identical.
Have some delicious pre-bakunyu Mio for your troubles
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>>2123129 Honestly between her Chisato and Zest their breasts have become insanely big. It's loss a bit of it's appeal for me. Yuki has the best figure with the perfect size of both breasts and ass.
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Leaked pic from next vol
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Leaked pic from next vol
The Toranoana version will include a 8 page booklet. What exactly will be in that booklet, I don't know. It says it will include a Short Story.
http://www.toranoana.jp/mailorder/article/20/0011/81/61/200011816176.html ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2123249 Anyone know of a good way to purchase stuff from Toranoana? Since Nomi no longer lives in Japan I need a new way to get shit from Japan. I kinda need to get that short story.
>>2123261 I've used treasure japan for many years.
The procedure is self explanatory.
https://treasure-japan.com/ you paste link, the name, price and quantity and order your items.
They take commission and handling fees, on top of shipping. It pays off to buy a lot of things at once and group your purchases.
https://treasure-japan.com/fees.html Anonymous
>>2123249 Maybe it'll have something to do with Jin or even about a possible spin-off. The author doesn't usually put too much plot heavy related content in the side stories.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2123264 Thanks looks like I'm going to give them a try.
>>2123270 I suspect it may be a sex scene SS. Either Chisato, or the more problematic pair of Maria and Kurumi.
It makes sense that they'd exclude these scenes from the main book which is sold openly to an all ages audience, then tack them on as a store extra for buyers through Toranoana, which already carries considerable amounts of sexually explicit materials.
>>2123261 >>2123273 Are you going to scan it?
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2123278 Yeah I'll scan probably scan it since it's only 8 pages.
>>2123275 With it only being 8 pages I don't think it'll have anything to do with the sex scenes. With it coming with the volume it wouldn't make sense to not just have it in the volume itself. I think it might be something else. Maybe like the previous short story it will fill in some of the gaps on some things, like maybe a short story about Jin. Or maybe it's just author's notes of him thanking people and talking about the series. It still could be sex but I just think if it's coming with the main volume why not just put it in there instead.
>>2123319 You underestimate the amount of content a 8 page booklet can hold. I scan novels and work lead an LN translation group and normally these "8 page booklets" are entire chapters.
To put it into perspective. I scanned 4 out of 5 SS novels of Highschool DxD EX and each part was 8-10 "pages" long. The thing is that LNs are pocket books, each page is about an A6 in size.
A booklet usually has larger pages and smaller printed text, which means that each page has 2-3 times the amount of content as a regular LN page. On top of all this the Japanese language is an incredibly dense and rich language. You can say twice as much in Japanese using the same amount of characters. A 8 page booklet is around 20 regular LN pages. That's about the size of Mio's sex scene.
>>2123321 But still why put it in a SS and not the main story if readers are buying them together. That doesn't make any sense.
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>>2123345 I agree. Isn't the point of a side story meant to be stories that happen on the side. They usually take place outside of the events (either before or after) that are currently happening. It would be weird for Basara to bang Chisato after the epilogue of the final volume.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2123345 Retailers gotta have their exclusive shit. Hopefully though it's some kind of content that the editor cut, or even some Ookuma illustrations.
>>2123369 What do you think the epilogue will be? Do you think they'll do the whole day is saved so back to regular life happy ending many series do and have Basara just continue his normal life but it's now peaceful? Or do you think it'll be a time skip where Basara has kids with each girl and is now a father living a normal life with his harem and kids?
>>2122664 Smart decision to release the BD during the final volume. It'll get more people over here in America exposed to the series. That might help with the sales for the final volume.
Question is it just season 1 being released or is BURST coming out as well?
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>>2123484 im betting my money on that. Besides what is the point of even continuing this series knowing that we will never get a season 3.
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>>2123490 just season 1, i also hope we get the OVA as well because that is when Chisato SHINES.
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>>2122664 i want to see the Yuki model
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2123484 Hopefully there's a considerable time skip at some point during the epilogue. The "regular life" ending could work if executed properly. My personal belief is that we might see some sort of trip to a hot spring though.
>>2123490 If I remember correctly they announced that BURST was getting dubbed as well, but they never announced a release date.
>>2123500 Guys its not fair dxd gets a new season with a different studio. I wish tesatament would get the same treatment. Which studio would you guys want, if we were to get a season 3? By the way dxd title is called: highschool dxd hero.
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>>2123568 Fuck off, newfag
>>2123500 Basara did promise Mio that they'd all to the hot springs back in vol.8
>>2123650 Didnt basara go to the springs with chisato already?
>>2123677 Yeah and on the phone he promised to bring Mio and the rest there one day
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2123782 I went back and reread that scene for the hell of it. Basara was lucky Maria was never given the phone. When Basara replied the Mio's question about the hot spring, was he referring to the hot spring, or was he talking about Chisato's blowjob?
A hot spring ending is plausible considering Basara's promise to Mio as well as Maria and Zest already paying off a trip in volume 9.
>>2123782 I want basara to take chisato to the beach next. Just think about chisato wearing a swimsuit in front of people and basara getting jealous.
>>2123921 This is the final volume I don't think that'll ever happen
>>2123924 Then all we can hope for is a chisato doujin that takes place at beach.
Highschool DxD just got a new season announced AND with a new studio, Shinmai is next! right?
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>>2123938 Not in a million years.
>>2123938 Let's just leave it as a wait and see thing for now. It's probably never gonna happen but we don't know that for sure.
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>>2123983 if dxd can get a reboot so can shinmai, though we might have to wait two years with a new cast/art style and will probably have a hentai rating with a proper adaption. As long as Shinmai can make some money no studio will ignore that fact.
>>2123925 It's sad that Shinmai has only a hand full of doujins. I wish someone would create more if them. Since both kanga are over are they allowed to draw doujins of the series? Would Ookuma be able to once the LN finishes?
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
>>2124000 New thread time too bad an HQ version of the Kurumi, Yuki, and Zest illustration isn't out yet.
>>2124347 Are you gonna wait for the last volume to come out before you create a new thread?
One week until the final volume and practically nothing so far. I must say that I am quite disappointed.
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>>2124347 >>2124695 Yeah it looks like we'll have to wait for the final volume to get anymore content and better quality images
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If even just one more thread is made this one dies.
You have to be the one who makes a new thread
>>2125256 Anonymous
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>>2125264 It's a post from Ookuma's twitter page hyping up the release so no that guy doesn't have it he's just posting the image he found. The volume comes out next week.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2124366 I'm trying to wait until the final volume comes out to make a new thread.
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
However I might make a new one this weekend. I keep checking all the ebook sites hoping that one of them slips up.
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>>2125319 Don't bother, until the ebook preview cover shows up the files won't even be on their servers. Which ones are you checking?
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https://bookwalker.jp/debe5f18eb-7b2d-45f4-a202-cfd50c9dc92f/ Full cover is out. Dunno how to get the previews, I've tried and failed. If anyone knows, go ahead.
>>2125319 I don't think it'll happen. Since Japan is ahead of us we should be getting the volume by Tuesday.
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>>2125352 We had the color pages on 27.01.17 and the volume was out on 01.02.17
It can happen, if they pages are leaked.
新規録り下ろし エクスタCD (OVA編:成瀬澪、野中柚希、成瀬万理亜、野中胡桃、ゼスト、長谷川千里) Am I reading this wrong or is each of the girls getting their own OVA bundled with Departures?
>>2125383 No idea. We'll find out in January at least.
>>2125386 According to the official site and japanese news sites which just updated with information on it this will be shown on January 27th in theaters for two weeks before the home release on BD/DVD on March 28th. From the description it sounds like it will be 60 minutes long.
【東京】角川シネマ新宿 【名古屋】伏見ミリオン座 【大阪】梅田ブルク7
また、新作OVA「新妹魔王の契約者 DEPARTURES」のBlu-ray&DVDが2018年3月28日(水)に発売決定!完全新作の本編約60分を収録するBlu-ray&DVDの特典には原作の上栖綴人 書き下ろし小説ほか豪華特典が満載!
"January 27, 2018 (Saturday) ~ We also decided to screen the limited event for two weeks at the theater!
Screening Theater
【Tokyo】 Kadokawa Cinema Shinjuku 【Nagoya】 Fushimi Millionate 【Osaka】 Umeda Buru 7
Also, Blu-ray & DVD of new OVA "New Younger Demon King's Contractor DEPARTURES" will be released on Wednesday, March 28, 2018! Blu - ray & DVD benefits that cover about 60 minutes of complete new work are full of literary awesomeness such as original novelist Uesutorin novels!
>>2125391 >We might get to Chisato and Basara in the time space without anything to hold it back We're going to legendary lewd territory. We know if IMS is still animating it?
>still no preview fuck that noise
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>>2125383 I don't think so. I'm thinking in the new OVA each girl will have their own moment with Basara. The OVA said to be covering 60 minutes. So I don't think each girl will have their own OVA bundled.
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OH SHIT 60 minute OVA? Think of all the crazy lewd scenes they could put in there! That's like three whole episodes!
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>>2125398 Expect one during the next comiket in december in all honesty.
For now I won't get too hyped for anything over the top. If it's still IMS doing it I don't see them getting that graphic with the lewd scenes. I see it being more action based and about the final fight with Shiba. It being in theaters already makes me believe it won't be all that lewd (at least not as lewd as we hope it'll be)
ChisatoBestCake !O/9cxiXoCc
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>>2125428 What is? Don't startle me like that.
>>2125423 This is in theaters, so they have less restrictions.
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>>2125469 Wouldn't they have mote restrictions in theaters
Guys this is IMS we're talking about let's not get out hopes up with this one. They only have 60 minutes and it'll be in theaters so we won't see much lewd stuff in it until the BD (and I don't think IMS will put in that much lewd content in it there either).
>>2125495 Theater viewing and the BD will be the same, the difference is availability. Also we just got like 10 promotional art pictures and besides the website background, it's all lewd as hell. I can feel pretty confident about this OVA being lewd regardless of theater viewing.
>>2125498 What promotional art pics?
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>>2125498 I doubt it. Promo work doesn't always equal to what we will actually be getting. I'm just saying don't expect too much, especially from IMS. The OVA is only 60 minutes long. I think you're expecting too much. I'm seeing two lewd scenes at most that will be on the same level as the Chisato ova.
>>2125504 I think he's talking about these.
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>>2125396 They are probably skipping to the last 2 volumes. They only have so much time and will probably just do the final battle with some ecchi thrown in. I don't think we'll see any vol.8 and 9 stuff in the ova. The real question is how will IMS go about editing the sex scenes in the ova.
>>2125520 >>2125521 >>2125522 I can't wait for all the toe licking IMS will add in to replace the sex scenes.
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>>2125524 I agree. IMS edited stuff from volumes 5 and volume 7 so they probably will do the same for anything in volumes 8 and onward. Honestly if we want to see anything really graphic it's gonna have to be from another studio
IMS could step it up you never know. They did Masou Gakuen and that first Shinmai ova was awesome. The second one sucked but it was released with the toned down manga so I could be why. Let’s just wait and see before getting too hyped or dismiss it.
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On a side note, the title departures has got me thinking. Volume 6 final chapter the one with that chisato scene is called accompany you before you depart. This could be wishful thinking but hey it’s possible.
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>>2125622 The first ova just had breast sucking and kissing. What was so extreme in it? If they were too chicken to show the titjob part don't expect too much from them. It's only 60 minutes. I'm expecting 1 or 2 lewd scenes tops anyway. There main goal is trying to appeal to a larger audience and adding too mich fanservice would prevent them from doing so (they don't want to make otakus angry by having their waifus stolen from them).
>>2125676 >>2125677 >>2125678 >>2125679 >>2125681 Damn man how the animation get worse. Here I thought the new DxD animation was bad. This is god awful. Hopefully this isn't the films animation quality. This makes One Piece animation look high quality. The only picture that looks good is Yuki in the top one. She looks cute in that picture
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>>2125696 It's literally the same type of art by the same artist all seasons of Shinmai had.
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>>2125696 It's the same art style from seasons 1 and 2 by the same artist.